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throw up
美音: [θrəu ʌp] 英音: [θro ʌp]

throw up基本解释

放弃; 呕吐; 产生(人才); 匆匆建造(某物)

throw up网络解释

1. throw up的意思

1. 抛起;呕出(食物):throw over 抛弃(计划等) | throwup 抛起;呕出(食物) | tick off 列出;用记号勾出

2. throw up什么意思

2. 吐出(食物),呕吐:扔掉 throw away | 吐出(食物),呕吐 throwup | 立刻,很快 in no time

3. 呕吐:take up开始学;从事;占据 | throwup呕吐 | check through核对

4. throw up在线翻译

4. 呕吐,吐出:take up 占去,占据 | throwup 呕吐,吐出 | turn up 到达,出现

throw up词典解释

1. 呕吐;呕出
When someone throws up, they vomit.

e.g. She said she had thrown up after reading reports of the trial.

2. 激起,扬起,搅起,溅起(尘土、石子或水)
If something throws up dust, stones, or water, when it moves or hits the ground, it causes them to rise up into the air.

e.g. If it had hit the Earth, it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust.
如果它当时击中地球,就会砸出一个直径 100 英里的大坑并激起巨大的尘埃云团。

3. 匆匆搭建起来;匆忙建成
If you say that a building or structure is thrown up, you mean that it is built or made very quickly, usually so that it is not of very good quality.

e.g. ...living in the slums where wood and scrap metal dwellings are thrown up in any available space...
e.g. Youths threw up barricades on the streets.

4. 产生;突出;凸显
To throw up a particular person or thing means to produce them or cause them to become noticeable.

e.g. The political struggle threw up a strong leader...
e.g. These studies have already thrown up some interesting results.

throw up英英释义

throw up在线翻译


1. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth

e.g. After drinking too much, the students vomited
He purged continuously
The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night

Synonym: vomitvomit uppurgecastsickcatbe sickdisgorgeregorgeretchpukebarfspewspuechuckupchuckhonkregurgitate

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