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throw out
美音: [θrəu aut] 英音: [θro aʊt]

throw out基本解释

扔掉; 不受理; 赶走; 开除

throw out网络解释

1. throw out是什么意思

1. 乱丢;抛散:25.set off出发;动身 | 26.throwout乱丢;抛散 | 27.turn on打开

2. throw out的翻译

2. 被抛弃的东西:mesh wire 金属网线 | throw-out 被抛弃的东西 | economy of large scale production 大规模生产的经济节约

3. throw out

3. 说出,(尤指无意间)吐露:并肩地,相互支持地 side by side | 说出,(尤指无意间)吐露 throwout | 吐露秘密 throwout a secret

4. throw out什么意思

4. 赶走:throw on 匆忙穿上 | throwout 赶走 | turn oneself in 自首

throw out词典解释

1. -> see throw away 1

2. (法官)不受理,不立案
If a judge throws out a case, he or she rejects it and the accused person does not have to stand trial.

e.g. The defense wants the district Judge to throwout the case.

3. 撵走;赶走;开除;将…除名
If you throw someone out, you force them to leave a place or group.

e.g. He was thrown out of the Olympic team after testing positive for drugs...
e.g. I wanted to kill him, but instead I just threw him out of the house...

throw out英英释义

throw out的反义词


1. cease to consider
put out of judicial consideration

e.g. This case is dismissed!

Synonym: dismiss

2. bring forward for consideration or acceptance

e.g. advance an argument

Synonym: advance

3. throw or cast away

e.g. Put away your worries

Synonym: discardflingtosstoss outtoss awaychuck outcast asidedisposecast outthrow awaycast awayput away

4. remove from a position or office

e.g. The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds

Synonym: oustdrum outboot outkick outexpel

5. force to leave or move out

e.g. He was expelled from his native country

Synonym: expelkick out

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