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think through
美音: [θiŋk θru:] 英音: [θɪŋk θru]

think through基本解释

think through


think through网络解释


1. 思考...直到得出结论:think over 仔细考虑 | thinkthrough 思考...直到得出结论 | think twice 重新考虑


2. 思考:think tank 智囊团 | thinkthrough 思考 | think twice 重新考虑

3. 想通:think over仔细考虑 | thinkthrough想通 | think...to be...认为...是

4. think through的解释

4. 思考......到得出结论:think over仔细考虑 | thinkthrough思考......到得出结论 | threaten sb.with用......手段、方法威胁某人

think through词典解释

1. 充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透(所有可能的影响或结果)
If you think a situation through, you consider it thoroughly, together with all its possible effects or consequences.

think through什么意思

e.g. I didn't thinkthrough the consequences of promotion...
e.g. The administration has not really thought through what it plans to do once the fighting stops...

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