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tear into
美音: [tiə ˈɪntuː] 英音: [tɛr ˈɪntu]

tear into基本解释

tear into的意思

戳穿; 猛扑; 大吃; 责备

tear into

tear into网络解释

1. 猛攻:tear gas 催泪瓦斯 | tearinto 猛攻 | tear off 扯掉

2. 攻击,抨击,责备:tear down 拆卸, 拆除 | tearinto 攻击,抨击,责备 | tear up 撕碎,撕毁

3. 撕成,炸穿:tear down 扯下,拆卸 | tearinto 撕成,炸穿 | tear off 扯掉,匆匆脱掉

4. tear into的近义词

4. 攻击,抨击:tearinto 攻击,抨击 | fuss 忙乱,大惊小怪,过虑 | radical 基本的,激进的,激进分子

tear into词典解释

1. 怒斥;强烈批评
If you tear into someone, you criticize them very angrily and strongly.

e.g. I had a real row with him. I tore into him.

tear into英英释义


1. hit violently, as in an attack

Synonym: lam intolace intopitch intolay into

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