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take the plunge
美音: [teik ðə plʌndʒ] 英音: [tek ði plʌndʒ]

take the plunge基本解释


take the plunge相关例句


1. take the plunge的意思

1. He decided to taketheplunge.

take the plunge网络解释

1. 决意冒险:58. from top to bottom 彻底的 | 59. taketheplunge 决意冒险 | 60. on the tip of one's tongue 一时想不起来

2. 尝试冒险:takethe pledge 发誓戒酒 | taketheplunge 尝试冒险 | takethe rap 承担刑事责任

3. (经考虑后)决定冒险,采取大胆果断的措施:take over 接替,接管,接任 | taketheplunge (经考虑后)决定冒险,采取大胆果断的措施 | take sth seriously 认真对待

4. take the plunge的翻译

4. 经一番考虑决定了:禁药a prohibited drug/banned substances | 经一番考虑决定了taketheplunge | 经过九年的努力after nine years of trying

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