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work up
美音: [wə:k ʌp] 英音: [wɚk ʌp]

work up基本解释

精心制作; 发展; 引起; 增加

work up情景对话


work up是什么意思

A:Are you working overtime tonight?

B:Unfortunately, yes! There’s a lot of work piled up on my desk.
很遗憾,要加班! 瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事儿。

A:I feel sorry for you.

work up网络解释

1. 整理:那颗流星已经消失在天际了.2他装作在和小孩子们玩耍,事实上,他正密切注意着罪犯们的行动.3他采用了一种复杂的方式来整理(workup)他的账单,想当然地认为(assume)他可以在短时间内计算出准确的数目.3他采用了一种复杂的方式来整理(workup)他的账单,

2. 激起:turn up 出现;卷起(衣袖等把(收音机等)开大一些 | work...up 激起 | deal with 应付;与...做生意;涉及,关于,论述

3. 逐步引起;激起;整理:work out 算出;设计出;制定出 | workup 逐步引起;激起;整理 | world without end 永远,永久地

4. work up是什么意思

4. 激发(情感):turn up 出现;放大(灯光,收音机,煤气等) | workup 激发(情感) | wrap up 席卷而去; 包起来

work up词典解释

1. 使(自己)心烦意乱(或气愤)
If you work yourself up, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something.

e.g. She worked herself up into a bit of a state...
e.g. Don't just lie there working yourself up, do something about it.

2. 激发(热情);鼓起(勇气)
If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it.

e.g. Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can workup the energy...
e.g. Malcolm worked up the nerve to ask Grandma Rose for some help.

3. 使自己出(汗);激起(食欲)
If you work up a sweat or an appetite, you make yourself sweaty or hungry by doing exercise or hard work.

work up

e.g. You can really workup a sweat doing housework...
e.g. It was around seven when I finished at the library. I wasn't hungry, but I'd worked up a thirst.

4. 准备,撰写(文章等)
If you work up something such as a piece of writing, you spend time and effort preparing it.

e.g. I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan...
e.g. They asked me to workup some sample drawings and bring them down.

work up英英释义


1. develop

e.g. we worked up an as of an appetite

Synonym: get up

2. come up with

e.g. His colleagues worked out his interesting idea
We worked up an ad for our client

Synonym: work out

3. form or accumulate steadily

e.g. Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly
Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border

Synonym: build upbuildprogress

4. bolster or strengthen

e.g. We worked up courage
build up confidence
ramp up security in the airports

Synonym: build upbuildramp up

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