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with reference to
美音: [wið ˈrefrəns tu:] 英音: [wɪð ˈrɛfərəns tu]

with reference to基本解释


with reference to的意思

with reference to网络解释

1. 关于,有关:ward off 防止,避开 | withreferenceto 关于,有关 | work out 想出,制订出

2. with reference to在线翻译

2. 关于:Take account of 考虑,注意 | Withreferenceto 关于 | Ordinary skill 普通技术


3. 关于,就......而论:refer to...as 把...称作,把...当作 | withreferenceto 关于,就...而论 | regard as 把...看作,认为,对待

4. 谨提及:implementation of a computer program,application or system;安装计算机程... | withreferenceto...;谨提及...;; | request for the inclusion of an additional item in the agenda of ......session;请求在第 届...

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