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wind up
美音: [wind ʌp] 英音: [wɪnd ʌp]

wind up基本解释

上紧发条; 使结束; 收尾; 煞尾

wind up网络解释

1. 结束:它反应人类的创造力(当然race在此的意思不是赛跑). 这就是为什么星星出来(out)时,肉眼看得见,而电灯熄灭(out)时,是看不见东西的. 还有,为什么我的表上发条(windup)是我启动它,而我结束(windup)这篇文章却是终止它呢?注一:中文亦有类似情形发生,

2. wind up什么意思

2. 上发条:它反应人类的创造力(当然race在此的意思不是赛跑). 这就是为什么星星出来(out)时,肉眼看得见,而电灯熄灭(out)时,是看不见东西的. 还有,为什么我的表上发条(windup)是我启动它,而我结束(windup)这篇文章却是终止它呢?注一:中文亦有类似情形发生,

3. 结束,停止;卷紧:while away 消磨(时间) | windup 结束,停止;卷紧 | wipe out 把...的里面擦洗干净

4. 收拍:wide ball 离身球 | windup 收拍 | winner 胜利者/致胜球

wind up词典解释

1. 完成;停止
When you wind up an activity, you finish it or stop doing it.

e.g. The President is about to windup his visit to Somalia...
e.g. Winding up the debate, she said: 'It would immediately put up interest rates.'

2. 关停,关闭(企业或其他组织)
When someone winds up a business or other organization, they stop running it and close it down completely.

e.g. The Bank of England seems determined to windup the company.

3. 最终沦落到;最终落得;(以…)告终
If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series of actions, events, or experiences, even though you did not originally intend to be.

e.g. He could windup in gaol...
e.g. Little did I know that I would actually windup being on the staff...

4. 摇上(车窗等)
When you wind up something such as the window of a car, you make it move upwards by turning a handle.

wind up的近义词

e.g. He started winding the window up but I grabbed the door and opened it.

5. 故意惹恼;挑衅
If you wind someone up, you deliberately say things which annoy them.

e.g. This woman really wound me up. She kept talking over me.

6. 骗;哄骗
If you wind someone up, you say untrue things in order to trick them.

e.g. You're joking. Come on, you're winding me up.

7. see also: wind 3;wind-up;wound up

wind up英英释义


1. finally be or do something

e.g. He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart
he wound up being unemployed and living at home again

Synonym: finish upland upfetch upend upfinish

2. coil the spring of (some mechanical device) by turning a stem

e.g. wind your watch

Synonym: wind

3. stimulate sexually

e.g. This movie usually arouses the male audience

Synonym: arousesexexciteturn on

4. give a preliminary swing to the arm pitching

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