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wide of the mark
美音: [waid ɔv ðə mɑ:k] 英音: [waɪd ʌv ði mɑrk]

wide of the mark基本解释

名词离谱; 毫不相关; 十万八千里

wide of the mark网络解释

1. wide of the mark

1. 毫不相关:wide boy 太保 | wideofthemark 毫不相关 | wide screen 宽银幕

2. 远离目标;毫不相关:what is worse 糟糕的是 | why not 为什么不 | wideofthemark 远离目标;毫不相关;

3. 远离目标,偏离:35. *far and wide 到处,普遍 | *wideofthemark 远离目标,偏离 | 36. wig 假发

4. 相差甚远:9.put on a mask戴上面具 | 10.wideofthemark相差甚远 | 11.hold themarket操纵市场

wide of the mark英英释义


1. not on target

e.g. the kick was wide
the arrow was wideofthemark
a claim that was wideofthe truth

Synonym: wide

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