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warm up
美音: [wɔ:m ʌp] 英音: [wɔrm ʌp]

warm up基本解释

使热; 变热; (使)更活跃; (使)作准备活动

warm up的反义词

warm up网络解释


1. 预热:故障现象 扫描过程中断,报1012故障代码,ERP提示灯丝选择错误,灯丝控制板的DS11黄灯亮,系统控制板上灯丝错误DS6灯亮. 这种现象最初表现为偶然中断,到一段时间后越来越频繁,一个病人的扫描都难以完成,甚至在开机预热(Warmup)也要中断几次.

2. 暖机:以检测扫描胶片的刮伤或损毁部份,进而加以修护;主要可使得扫描器能同时间地发射可见光及红外线两种光源,以及藉由本发明的方法,能有效省略扫描器暖机(WarmUp)的时间,并且能使扫描器维持常开(Normally on)的使用状态,

warm up词典解释

1. 加热;使暖和;变暖和
If you warm something up or if it warms up, it gets hotter.

warm up是什么意思

e.g. He blew on his hands to warm them up...
e.g. All that she would have to do was warmup the pudding...

2. (为体育比赛) 热身,做准备活动
If you warm up for an event such as a race, you prepare yourself for it by doing exercises or by practising just before it starts.

warm up的近义词

e.g. In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event...
e.g. Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up.

3. (使)(机器或引擎)预热;(使)启动
When a machine or engine warms up or someone warms it up, it becomes ready for use a little while after being switched on or started.

e.g. He waited for his car to warmup...
e.g. We spent a frustrating five minutes while the pilot warmed up the engines.

4. (使)活跃起来;(使)兴奋起来;暖场
If a comedian or speaker warms up an audience or the audience warms up, the audience is prepared for the main show or speaker by being told jokes, so that they are in a good mood.

e.g. They would always come out and warmup the audience...
e.g. The crowd began to warmup.

warm up英英释义


1. make one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for strenuous physical activity

Synonym: limber uploosen up

2. cause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles

e.g. The coach warmed up the players before the game

3. become more friendly or open

e.g. She warmed up after we had lunch together

4. get warm or warmer

e.g. The soup warmed slowly on the stove

Synonym: warm

5. run until the normal working temperature is reached

e.g. We warmed up the car for a few minutes

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