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face value
美音: [feis ˈvælju] 英音: [fes ˈvælju]

face value基本解释

名词面值; 票面价值,表面价值; 票额

face value的反义词

face value相关例句


1. face value

1. Mary took his stories at facevalue and did not know he was joking.


1. face value什么意思

1. Some old coins are now worth a great deal more than their facevalue.

face value网络解释

1. 票面价值:每年,政府会根据债券的 票面价值(facevalue)支付固定比率的利息. 10年后,投资者将收回债券的票面价值. 常规债券的风险是通货膨胀率突然增大. 设想一个投资者在2004年购买了1000美元的美国 政府公债,该债券为期10年,票面利率为5%.

2. 票面值:零息债券方面,它的特色是债券投资者会以债券投资票面值(facevalue)的折扣价买入债券,一直持有债券到期日. 当到期日渐近,债券的价格上升接近至票面面值,直至到期日,零息债券便会被收回,而投资者可取回本金,由此可见,

3. 表面价值:我们常在艺术作品上,看到作者题上'协正、匡正、删正、削正、格正、斧正、指正、教正、斤正、裁正、郢正、诲正、请正',一般都认作是敬辞或者谦辞,没有人会认真看待. 若有阿甘之流,取其表面价值(facevalue)去不吝指正的话,通常会自讨没趣.

face value词典解释

1. (钱币、投资票据或票的)面值,面额
The face value of things such as coins, paper money, investment documents, or tickets is the amount of money that they are worth, and that is written on them.

e.g. Tickets were selling at twice their facevalue.

2. 按照表面意思;(对…)信以为真
If you take something at face value, you accept it and believe it without thinking about it very much, even though it might be untrue.

e.g. Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at facevalue.

face value英英释义


1. the apparent worth as opposed to the real worth

2. the value of a security that is set by the company issuing it
unrelated to market value

Synonym: par valuenominal value

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