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get the better of
美音: [ɡet ðə ˈbetə ɔv] 英音: [ɡɛt ði ˈbɛtɚ ʌv]

get the better of基本解释

get the better of什么意思


get the better of相关例句


1. They got thebetterof their opponents.

get the better of网络解释


1. 打败,智胜:getthe best of 胜过,打赢 | getthebetterof 打败,智胜 | getthebetterof 占上风;克服;抑制

2. 占上风,胜过:get somewhere有些;结果 | getthebetterof占上风,胜过 | get through到达,完成,及格

3. 打败,致胜:make the best of充分利用,妥善处理 | getthebetterof打败,致胜 | catch one's breath屏息,歇口气

4. 占上风;克服;抑制:getthebetterof 打败,智胜 | getthebetterof 占上风;克服;抑制 | get through 到达;完成;接通电话

get the better of英英释义


1. win a victory over

e.g. You must overcome all difficulties
defeat your enemies
He overcame his shyness
He overcame his infirmity
Her anger got thebetterof her and she blew up

Synonym: overcomedefeat

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