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wipe away
美音: [waip əˈwei] 英音: [waɪp əˈwe]

wipe away基本解释

抹掉; 擦掉,清除

wipe away是什么意思

wipe away网络解释

1. 擦去:技术,技能 know-how | 擦去 wipeaway | 辨别,区别 distinguish one thing from another

2. 扫拂:4 盛開蓮花 Lotus Bloom | 2 撤回 Repeal | 1 掃拂 WipeAway

3. wipe away

3. 擦去,抹去:look after 照顾,看护 | wipeaway 擦去,抹去 | no longer 不再

4. 擦去, 揩去, 消除:14. wipe擦;揩;抹; 擦掉;揩去;抹掉 | wipeaway擦去, 揩去, 消除 | wipe off擦掉, 除掉;勾销(债务)

wipe away词典解释

1. 擦去;擦掉;揩干
If you wipe away or wipe off dirt or liquid from something, you remove it, for example by using a cloth or your hand.

e.g. He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin...
e.g. She applied a little lipstick, wiped it off, but it left a pink tinge.

wipe away英英释义


1. remove by wiping

Synonym: wipe off

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