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cutting edge
美音: [ˈkʌtɪŋ edʒ] 英音: [ˈkʌtɪŋ ɛdʒ]

cutting edge基本解释

名词切削刃; 刀刃; 剪刃

cutting edge相关例句


1. California is on the cuttingedge of trends that spread nationwide.

cutting edge词典解释

The spelling cutting-edge is used for meaning 3. 拼写cutting-edge用于义项3。

1. (某事物发展的)尖端,最前沿,领先阶段
If you are at the cutting edge of a particular field of activity, you are involved in its most important or most exciting developments.

e.g. This shipyard is at the cuttingedge of world shipbuilding technology.

2. 有利方面;优势
If someone or something gives you a cutting edge, they give you an advantage over your competitors.

cutting edge

e.g. If Pearce had been fit, we would have won. We missed the cuttingedge he would have given us.

3. 最前沿的;最先进的;尖端的
Cutting-edge techniques or equipment are the most advanced that there are in a particular field.

e.g. What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before...
e.g. Some of what is happening at Packard is cutting-edge medicine.

cutting edge英英释义


1. the sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife

Synonym: knife edge

2. the position of greatest importance or advancement
the leading position in any movement or field

e.g. the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England
the idea of motion was always to the forefront of his mind and central to his philosophy

Synonym: vanguardforefront

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