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track record
美音: [træk riˈkɔ:d] 英音: [træk rɪˈkɚd]

第三人称复数:track records

track record基本解释


track record在线翻译

track record相关例句


1. Here's a job applicant with an excellent trackrecord.

track record网络解释

1. 业绩记录:可以通过与国外有经验和业绩记录(trackrecord)的机构投资者的合作,有效地引导国外的金融机构的资产管理向创业投资/私募股权基金发展,更好地提高金融机构的资产管理的效益,通过提高效益来确保金融机构资产管理的安全性,

2. 成绩记录:问:陈水扁的成绩记录(Trackrecord)并不怎么好,除了春节谈话外,还有元旦文告和第一任内的「一边一国」等言行,美国还信任他吗?或是已失去对他的信心?

track record词典解释

1. (个人、公司、产品在各自领域活动的)成绩记录
If you talk about the track record of a person, company, or product, you are referring to their past performance, achievements, or failures in it.

e.g. The job needs someone with a good trackrecord in investment...
e.g. His trackrecord as a headmaster was excellent.

track record英英释义

track record的近义词


1. the sum of recognized accomplishments

e.g. the lawyer has a good record
the trackrecord shows that he will be a good president

Synonym: record

2. the fastest time ever recorded for a specific distance at a particular racetrack

e.g. the trackrecord for the mile and a half at Belmont is 2 minutes 24 seconds held by Secretariat since 1973

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