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a burning desire
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a burning desire单语例句

1. WASHINGTON - Leading Republicans Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich share more than aburningdesire to pocket the keys to the White House.

2. Kristen also has aburningdesire to star in a film version of William Styron's 1951 book'Lie Down in Darkness'.

3. Liu was known to have always harbored aburningdesire to shape Lenovo into a major world player.

4. Paolo Maldini won four European Cup titles, but that has not quelled his burningdesire to claim a fifth.

a burning desire

a burning desire双语例句

1. And since he had no relatives, and all the friends that he knew had either died or left the suburb of White Horse without any burningdesire to write once they had escaped, junk mail was as close to a warm personal greeting that he ever received.

2. The pendulum has swu ng and people are exhibiting greater open-mindedness and aburningdesire to det emine their own destiny.

3. A burningdesire is the starting point of all accomplishment.

4. A burningdesire is the starting point of all accomplishments.

5. In the book the author paints the portrait of a group of young women – including herself – and their adventures in the labyrinth of Taipei city. The events are accompanied by men and jobs that come and go, as well as inexhaustible, burningdesire – these are the main themes that keep coming up in their life, like music in a film.
台湾小说家钟文音 2006 年出版的三十万字钜作《艳歌行》就是从这里出发,也在这里结束,小说家拼贴出一群女子,包括她自己,流离於台北城的青春纪事,而来来去去的男人,换来换去的工作,以及燃烧不灭的无穷情欲,正是这一段时光反覆播放的主题曲。

6. a burning desire是什么意思

6. Then I started to recite the Universal Door Chapter and the Bodhisattva's name with the assembly. It was like pouring water on aburning man, cooling my desire and anger, stopping the pain in the soul.

7. Back your purpose with aburningdesire. Fan that desire; coax it; let it become the dominating thought in your mind.

8. a burning desire的反义词

8. These afflictions are called the defilements, and include sensuous desire, hatred, delusion, burning worry, jealousy, stinginess, cheating, flattery, not experiencing a sense of shame when wrong has been committed, pride, arrogance, lack of diligence, self-importance, quarrelsomeness, lack of respect, and association with bad friends those whose life-styles are antipathetic to Dha Another name for this Buddha-dhatu is Tathagata-garbha.

9. In high school I was a math whiz, and so I spent my first year of college at M. I. T., learning that I did not have the burningdesire to be an engineer.

10. The seaabove the city is reflected on the shattering white night; fire from the chimney pokes through the cloud, burning the flag red; sky-elevator is ascending towards the sun, trembling; a missile flies a trajectory of no return; the river flows through the secret tunnel in the palace and warms up the buildings along its banks; a lonely knight strolls across the stretched-out villages; angels and madmen are having a duel among the ruins of collapsed buildings and the abandoned fields; the astute businessmen are busying on the container dock; a batwoman is contemplating in the air between skyscrapers; the kind beast has its desire for love realized...

11. In spite of his handicap Washington was never discouraged and still had aburningdesire to complete the bridge and his mind was still as sharp as ever.

12. The best leaders of business have been those who talked with authority and left aburningdesire in others to follow them. Be a cheerleader as well as a coach.22. Prune for Productivity.

13. a burning desire

13. Julien, born to a carpenter's family in a remote small town, in France, was clever and eager to learn as a child. living in a era of heros, when young, he was filled with admiration for Napoelon and rebellious himself. he had wanted to fight and die in the battlefield in Napoelon's army, who, however, was in decline by then. after all, life for him had to continue, in an age dominated by rank and wealth and it seemed hopeless of achieving any success without wealth and noble origin. he had been haunted by his future problem and confronted with two opitons:retreat or fight back. being caught in the hesitation, Julien was at a loss about what to do and that combined with his burningdesire for power to mould him a hyporite. at 19, he found that a career in the church might help him get meteoric prosperity.

14. Yi-yang burningdesire to allow the resurrection of the dead, the foreign art innocent, persistent, desperate lust for the opening of a road leading to a bright, passionate art marine breeds of the true nature and passion, she inspired us Love of life, we are sincerely happy that want to enjoy that pleasure, the high tide.

15. A young man, with dreams of greatness in the baseball diamond, the burningdesire that could get him there.

16. a burning desire的近义词

16. But both sides agree on the desire to spur production of ethanol, a grain alcohol that is blended with gasoline to make cleaner-burning fuel.

17. She said, I have a strong passion and I am burning with lewd desire when I hear your words.

18. Rebecca is not a beautiful woman who always pleases men, she is full of energy, courage, independence, calmness and decision. For the freedom of her desireand expectative of exciting life she even chooses to die under her wrathful husband`s gun. She is like a flaming blaze burning her short, but exciting life.

19. Rebecca is not a beautiful woman who aoways pleases men, she is full of energy, courage, independence, calmness and decision. For the freedom of her desireand expectative of exciting life she even chooses to die under her wrathful husband`s gun. She is like a flaming blaze burning her short, but exciting life.

20. Just as you steady a magnifying glass on a single object, with the hot burning sun rays analogous to your desire, focus, power, energy, time, etc, you will make an impact.

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