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be viewed as
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be viewed as单语例句

1. While such gift giving is considered general business practice in China, it can beviewedas a bribe in other countries.

2. And the corporate governance of family businesses can beviewed negatively, as the controlling family can take the company in any direction it wants to.

3. Tse said the association received a letter cautioning that the intended disclosure would beviewedas " defamation ".

4. NEW YORK - Advanced dementia is a terminal illness and should beviewedas such, researchers conclude in a report released Wednesday.

5. This case might be too extreme and thus viewedas an isolated case, but we would rather see authorities not take it that way.

6. His conduct as pinching the rich or other corrupted officials should beviewedas conflict between violators of justice and the fairness.

7. And I fully understand that that might rankle some, and beviewed by some as folly.

8. She stressed that the study results should not beviewedas license to gorge on chocolate.

9. The success of the industrial park can beviewedas a result of the cooperation between China and Singapore.

10. Even the annoying annual lease renewal process can beviewed positively, as a natural break from routine.

be viewed as双语例句

1. The previous ODE model can beviewedas especial example and its relevant results can be regarded as corollaries of this article.

2. be viewed as

2. This phenomenon may also be explained from an economic point of view i ofar as the cost of advance directives to the public purse is minimal; their use and the cost related to them rests entirely on the shoulders of the individual, and to some extent they can beviewedas a privatizing tool that tra fers public duties to the private here.

3. As a result of her power to unite by means of love all beings, whether in heaven, on earth, or in blackest Tartaros, she came to beviewedas a goddess presiding over married life and marriage ceremonies.

4. Even today, in many cultures and religions, 'nature'is viewedas a savage, hostile force to be subdued by humans exemplified by shows on the wingnut networks like Fox -- Survivor, When Animals Attack etc.

5. be viewed as

5. However, it is important to mention upfront that it should not beviewedas a licence to go ahead and overeat or fill up on unlimited amounts of carbohydrates.

6. be viewed as

6. Albums can beviewed in order of any of the fields in the Albums grid by simply clicking on that field's header (including Label/Directory field so that you can see which albumsyou have included on your CD-R, Minidisc etc. or as audio files on your hard drive).
专辑可以通过在字段的标题(包括标签/目录字段以便你可以观看你的哪些专辑已经被包含到了你的 CD-R,Minidisc 等上面,或者在你的硬盘驱动器上作为硬盘文件)上简单地点击方式按照任何字段的次序进行重写浏览。

7. We compare them to the method of Classical Logic, BOFL and MYCIN respectively.1-order Logic and BOFL can beviewedas special casesof Attribute Logic.

8. Tiago, although still not viewedas a long-term solution by some, showed his worth at both ends of the pitch - one particular through ball to Alessandro Del Piero was masterful - and could be a key player in the next match, particularly if he is afforded a closer partner than Sissoko proved to be.

9. I will conclude by bringing out the value of TAs in general via a discussion of a class of TAs that work by implicating the skeptic in a performative inconsistency.50 Consider Descartes'Cogito argument. Even as he agrees in principle with Stroud's rationale for rejecting standard TAs, Stern points out that Descartes'Cogito argument can be read as a transcendental argument of standard form directed at skepticism regarding knowledge of one's own existence, and the argument, even when viewedas such, is not subject to Stroud's general criticism of TAs.51 Stern notes that the Cogito argument can be cast in the following way
我将通过`暗含怀疑论者在performative inconsistency`而起作用的一类TAs的讨论而指出一般性TAs的价值。50 考虑Descartes的`Cogito论证`,即使当Stern原则上同意Stroud拒绝标准TAs的基本原理,Stern也指出Descartes的`Cogito论证`:a、能被解读为标准形式的TA,直接针对怀疑论关于我们自己存在的知识;b、这论证即使这样看,不受Stroud对TAs一般性批评的约束。51 Stern指出Cogito论证能表达为下面方式

10. be viewed as是什么意思

10. 11 Paul finds, implicit in the promise that the godly man would enjoy God's continued favor through his trustful loyalty to God (which is Habakkuk's point in the context), the more fundamental assertion that only through faith does any man ever come to beviewed by God as just, and hence as entitled to life, at all.

11. be viewed as的反义词

11. When you have viewed it, you too shall be taken to your people, as was your brother Aaron

12. The whole inverse problem may beviewedas a two-stage optimal procedure, and the optimal algorithm based on gradient, such as BFGS algorithm, is adopted as the gradient of the objective functions which may be derived by using Frechet differential.

13. be viewed as的解释

13. As form-function mapping can beviewedas the mapping of nouns on the formal level to arguments on the functional level, argument specification satisfaction is the extent to which a noun satisfies the semantic specifications on an argument Nouns higher in argument specification satisfaction for an argument have a better chance to be mapped on that argument.

14. Historically, these are viewedas strange and bewildering, and very few people would be interested in the research.

15. be viewed as什么意思

15. They pointed out that Lorentz invariance can beviewedas

16. In fact, aikido can beviewedas a way of life that can be practised on the mat and put to use in everyday life.

17. The computing plots of the solutions from the two methods were inconsistent under the specified boundary-initial conditions, which stirred up the debate of the effectiveness of Maxwell`s equations in lossy medium. It is found that the differences between the two numerical curves can beviewedas the Gibbs phenomenon caused by cutting off the high frequency components in computing the infinite integral of the numerical curve of Harmuth`s solution.

18. I. e. when cargo leaves a port for Shanghai to be relayed, the cargo can beviewedas exported, and can claim VAT rebate in advance.

19. be viewed as的翻译

19. It is shown that undercertain conditions such systems may beviewedas two-dimensionalJosephson Lattice, ercept that 2e in superconductivity is replaced by e innormal conduction.

20. be viewed as的近义词

20. This can beviewedas a particular simple form of relevance feedback.

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