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be secreted from
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be secreted from双语例句


1. The interaction between microorganisms and minerals can facilitate the process of exogenic biogeochemical reaction, which is one of the important research contents in exogenic geochemistryMicrobes and their geological effects were summarized, and a variety of microbial weathering phenomena toward carbonate rocks, especially on different microcosmic scales, were analyzedThe products and mechanisms of weathering of carbonate rocks by microbes were also expoundedThe authors put forward four microbial weathering mechanisms of carbonate rocks:(1)microorganisms grow on rock surface or in crevices, which will result in biocorrosion, bioerosion, and boring, and will accelerate rock decomposition and weathering; (2)boring meshes produced by microbial colony could increase the efficient superficial area of chemical denudation of rocks, and could lead to the intensification of rock surface weathering to promote mechanical erosion, and the microbial destruction and loosing of cementation structure of rock particles would also accelerate the decomposition of mineral particles; (3)rock weathering can be intensified by the effects of microbial waterkeeping, acidification of organic acids secreted by microorganisms and the release of CO2 induced by microbial respiration onto rock surface; (4)microorganisms uptake nutrition from rock surface to produce complicated organic ligands and promote the release of mineral elements in the growing process of microorganismsFinally, how to carry on the studies of the microbial weathering of carbonate rocks was proposedThe authors suggest to comprehensively exploit local lowgrade mineral resources which contain potassium and phosphate and to accelerate soil formation and evolution in karst regions by using microbial technology.

2. Our tongues slide from their wet caves to test that final, shrivelling light, to probe it for how stories of even a frog might be redeemed, how the sun must sooner or later take pity on us—or how these, our stories, our hymns might sooner or later break into the light as the first eggs laid on land broke into the air and died, over and over, until at last some mutant newt secreted a watertight shell and the air was ours.

3. be secreted from在线翻译

3. Itamin D from the skin and diet is metabolized in the lier to 25-hydroxyitamin D (Figure 1), which is used to determine a patient's itamin D status1, 2, 3, 4; 25-hydroxyitamin D is metabolized in the kidneys by the enzyme 25-hydroxyitamin D-1-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) to its actie form, 1, 25-dihydroxyitamin D.1, 2, 3, 4 The renal production of 1, 25-dihydroxyitamin D is tightly regulated by plasma parathyroid hormone leels and serum calcium and phosphorus leels.1, 2, 3, 4 Fibroblast growth factor 23, secretedfrom the bone, causes the sodium–phosphate cotransporter to be internalized by the cells of the kidney and small intestine and also suppresses 1, 25-dihydroxyitamin D synthesis.5 The efficiency of the absorption of renal calcium and of intestinal calcium and phosphorus is increased in the presence of 1, 25-dihydroxyitamin D (Figure 1).2, 3, 6 It also induces the expression of the enzyme 25-hydroxyitamin D-24-hydroxylase (CYP24), which catabolizes both 25-hydroxyitamin D and 1, 25-dihydroxyitamin D into biologically inactie, water-soluble calcitroic acid.2, 3, 4
从皮肤和食物来的维生素D在肝中代谢为25-羟基维生素D(图1),被用来决定病人体内维生素D情况的1,2,3,4;25-羟基维生素D在肾中被25-羟基维生素D1羟化酶(CYP27B1)转变为有活性的1,25-二羟基维生素D 。1,2,3,4由肾产生1,25-二羟基维生素D是被血浆甲状旁腺激素和血清钙,磷水平紧密调节。1,2,3,4由骨分泌的成纤维细胞生长因子23使钠磷协同转运蛋白被肾和小肠细胞内化及抑制1,25-二羟维生素D合成。5 在1,25-二羟基维生素D作用下肾和小肠吸收钙及磷的效率增高(图1)。2,3,6 它也包括25-羟四- 24 -羟化酶的表达(CYP24),且将1,25二羟基维生素D和25羟基维生素D异化成无生物活性,水溶性的维生素D3-23羧酸。2,3,4

4. A large quantity of evidence has showed that higher EO might be one of the pathogenic factors of hypertension. EO also referred to endogenous sodium pump inhibitor, endogenous digitalis-like substance or endogenous digoxin-like factor before, is a recently identified sterone hormone that might besecretedfrom adrenal cortex.
内源性哇巴因(endogenous ouabain,EO)是新近发现主要由肾上腺皮质所分泌的一种类固醇激素,大量证据表明,体内EO含量升高可能是高血压的发病因素之一。

5. be secreted from的反义词

5. Being the most abundant colostral Ig component in livestock animals, IgG must be transported across epithelial barriers through transcytosis when it is secretedfrom mammary gland to milk and when it is absorbed by the newborn animals, through a specific IgG transport receptor, namely the neonatal Fc receptor.
IgG是家畜初乳中含量最丰富的免疫球蛋白成分,IgG由乳腺向乳汁中的分泌以及新生动物对乳中母源IgG的摄取均需要穿越上皮细胞屏障,即进行细胞转运作用,这一过程是由受体介导的,而特异性转运IgG的唯一受体是新生儿Fc受体(neonatal Fc receptor,FcRn)。


6. HindII fragment encloding human fibroblast interferongene coding sequence was funsed at 60bp downstream from the RNA start site of SV40 early gene to be a constitutive expression plasmid pSVEβ.This recombinant plasmid was transfecte d into the dihydrofolate reductase-deficient Chinese hamster ovarycel ls together with a selectable dhfr gene. About half of transformants continuously secreted IFNβinto the supernatant without inducement.
含有人成纤维细胞干扰素基因编码序列的HindII片段,去掉了IFNβ基因5'全部侧翼调控序列,与SV40早期区RNA起始部位下游60个bp处连接,与可选择标记二氢叶酸还原酶基因一道共转化dhfr缺陷的中国地鼠卵细胞,经过初步筛选,在未经病毒等诱导条件下,在转化细胞株中测到构成性表达水平为852U/2×106细胞,ml·48小时的I FNβ干扰素活性。

7. Leptin, a specific protein, is secreted mostly by white adipocytes into the circulation and is believed to be involved in negative feedback loop from adipose storage to hypothalamus.

8. Result Finally, 1235 ORFs were predicted to besecreted proteins from M. grisea genome.


9. It may be a modified stoma with the guard cells permanently open so that water is lost passively by hydrostatic pressure, as in sea lavenders, or a glandular hair from which water is actively secreted, as in runner bean.

10. The mechanisms involved in the tumoricidal activity of the transmembrane TNF α in vivo seems be different from that of secreted TNF α.

11. The secondary envelope may be deposited on the primary envelope surface and it is formed by the substances secretedfrom the granules cells.

12. be secreted from的意思

12. However, modern scientific research shows that: the penis in Bo will besecretedfrom the lubricating fluid is a fluid.


13. Testosterone causes excessive sebum to besecretedfrom the skins sebaceous glands.
睾酮的原因,以皮脂过度分泌,从skin s皮脂腺。

14. However, important questions need answers: Given the shortage of human pancreatic islet tissue, can stem cells be used to provide insulin cells that can be stored and secretedfrom a bioartifical pancreas?

15. Not until the Renaissance was the female gender of the queen bee proved, or beeswax shown to besecretedfrom the undersides of bees.

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