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be of prime importance
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be of prime importance单语例句

1. We understand it is ofprimeimportance that competent actors and actresses be recruited to ensure the success of the new series.

be of prime importance双语例句

1. His emphasis on the importanceof the bond of trust between government and voter could not be more timely, as Gordon Brown, the new prime minister, and David Cameron, the newish leader of the Conservative opposition, struggle to get the post-Blair edge.

2. Such practices as maintaining proper distances, proper electrical tool usage, and adhering to facility LOTO procedures are all considered to beofprimeimportance in everyday job routines.

3. In some cases, the physical properties may beofprimeimportance when one is selecting a material.

4. After analyzing the results, the authors suggest that besides early diagnosis, prompt treatment, intensive basic treatment, and energetic prevention'and treatment of the complications, further exploration for new and effective therapeutic agents beofprimeimportance to improve the survival rate of SVH.


5. With knowledge economy becoming the leading economic state, intellectual property rights will beofprimeimportance in the society of knowledge economy.

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