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be located on
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be located on单语例句

be located on的近义词

1. The official cooperating media work area is also locatedon the first floor, and 20 domestic and foreign medias will be reporting on the Universiade here.

2. With a designed daily production capacity of 360 tons, the project will belocatedon Hengqin Island within Zhuhai.

3. Heitmann said that the final decision on where in Asia the project would belocated would be made within the next six months.

4. Free discs will be supplied to primary and middle schools located in Tibetan communities while the movie will be shown in cinemas and on CCTV.

5. Heavy vessels will also be able to cruise on a downstream section of the river located in east China's Jiangsu province.

6. The building will belocatedon the east side of Tiananmen Square where the current national history museum stands.

7. The blaze appeared to belocated near the ceremonial office of Vice President Dick Cheney on the second floor of the building.

8. The newspaper said it will belocatedon the ground floor on the south side of the stadium.

9. Internet users in Dalian complained on micro blogs that facilities like the PX project would be best located 100 km away from any city.

10. As it goes on, 34 contracted projects have been fixed and will belocated in Fuzhou.

be located on双语例句

1. Based on the results, it has found that six distinct layers can be identified from lateral to medial in the olfactory bulbs, and the adults have more cells than the subadults. Ventricles of the adults take up larger vacuity, have richer choroids plexus, and primordial pallium and primordial hippocampus of them are more developed than the subadults, in which the primordial piriform is well-developed. Ventral to the primordial hippocampus, there is a septal area which can not be divided into medial and lateral parts in both adults and subadults, nor there is lateral limiting sulcus to separate the primordial piriform and the corpus striatum, but only in the subadults, a medial limiting sulcus can be clearly identified to separate the primordial hippocampus and the septal area. Besides, the corpus striatum of Onychodactylus fischeri is paleostriatum. The cell group that located at two sides of the third ventricle is amygdale, and shape and size of neurons within the telencephalon are poorly differentiation.

2. The next step is to file a Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur, with the USCIS Texas Service Center or California Service Center, depending on where the new commercial enterprise is located or will principally be doing business.
下一步就是向 USCIS 得克萨斯服务中心或加利福利亚服务中心递交外国企业家移民申请 I-526 表格,在哪递交取决于新企业在何处或者主要营业地。


3. If the payment due date is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday where banks located in the State of New York are authorized or required to be closed, Buyer shall make such payment on the business day after such due date.


4. Once a company`s business units have been locatedon the MACS matrix, the chart can be used to plan preliminary strategies for each of them.
一旦一公司商务单位已经位於 MACS 矩阵之上,图解能被用来计划针对他们每一个的初步策略。

5. Within the drum rotation rotary record images on a single chip, support in the exposure of the rollers in the supratrochlear, driven by a synchronous motor, because it is located in the center of the drum, with sencitivity keeping distance rotate and move back and forth exactly isolinetic (exposure drum and sencitivity stay), thus making a reflection of the laser beam can be uniform, equally spaced and vertically onto photographic materials on the geometry of always the same.

6. New Calendar feature: Players will be able to access the new Calendar feature by clicking on the new iconlocated in the top right corner of their mini map.

7. It will belocatedon top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
它将被安置在夏威夷Mauna Kea山的顶部。

8. As the Project M design is developed, it will be chronicled on a dedicated website, located here.

9. Cadence announced the Invarium company that already bought headquarters to belocated in holy carry on one's shoulder to fill in recently -- the optical model with an advanced research and development and graph are integrated the enterprise of science and technology.

10. Steam Traps table below provides the sign may belocated in the body can also be marked on the plate.

11. It has two gas pistons tapping hot gas from the barrel to operate its mechanism, locatedon the top left and right sides of the bolt carrier. The single mainspring is locatedon top, between the two gas pistons. The bolt itself is said to be similar to an AK-47-type rotating bolt.


12. The information desk, marked with the small letter i on your plan is located right here in the foyer, so if you get separated from your friends, I suggest you make your way back to the information desk because we`ll be returning to this spot at the end of the tour.

13. Resources can belocatedon a local or remote file system, in a database, or in a. war file.

14. JURISDICTION, VENUE, WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL AND SHORTENING OF LIMITATIONS PERIOD. Client agrees that any civil action or other legal proceeding between CMS or its employees or agents, onone hand, and Client on the other hand, arising out of or relating to this Agreement or Client`s account shall be brought, heard and resolved only by a tribunal located in New York County, New York and Client hereby waives trial by jury in any such action or proceeding and waives the right to have such proceeding transferred to any other location.

15. Decisionon Strengthening our property management transfer personal income tax notice (Sui government rent made [2005]107): From June 1, 2005, 1, sold to individuals in their own homes and sold one year after the re-purchase and sale and purchase of new housing are located in Guangzhou urban areas, its personal income tax paid on the sale of housing re-purchase value may be returned in full or in part. 2, the transfer of individuals for their own use more than five years and is the only family house, a personal income tax exemptionon their income.

16. Live in Canada, write letter to me, beside the library, between the school and hospital, in front of the supermarket, the bank is locatedon the right of street C, this begining of the tour tell me the way to your home have a happy tour what are the other animals that you like this elephant is ugly and fearful this panda is pretty and smart eat grass sleep in the day, eat the leaves at night I want to be a doctor What does he do?

17. The bike is located in Ireland, Europe and it will be shipped from here on my expance.

18. These include inflammatory arthritides such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis, 99101 synovial impingement, meniscoid entrapment, chondromalacia facetae, pseudogout, synovial inflammation, villonodular synovitis, and acute and chronic infection.102106 Intrafacetal synovial cysts can be a source of pain because of distension and pressure on adjacent pain-generating structures, calcification, and asymmetrical facet hypertrophy.107110 In a retrospective review of MRI scans in 303 consecutive patients with LBP, Doyle and Merrilees111 found that9.5% had facet joint synovial cysts, the large majority of which were located posteriorly.
包括炎症性关节炎如类风湿性关节炎,强直性脊柱炎及反应性关节炎等,还有滑液撞击,关节软骨版卡压,关节面软骨软化,假性痛风,滑液炎症,绒毛结节性滑膜炎和急慢性感染。小关节内滑囊囊肿可由于拉伸和压缩临近的疼痛发生结构,骨化及不对称关节增生等原因引起疼痛。在一项303例连续患者的MRI研究中,Doyle 和 Merrilees发现其中9.5%存在小关节囊肿,大部分发生于关节囊后部。

19. Analysis of four melecular markers (CINAU15, NAU/xibaol6, 6VS-381, CINAU18-723) loacated on 6VS and one melecular marker 6VL-358 on 6VL confirmed that Del.6VS-2 was a new terminal deletion and the breakpoint was between marker CINAU15 and NAU/xibaol6. Powdery mildew test combined marker analysis on Del.6VS-2 and Del.6VS-1 indicated that the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm21 might belocated between FL0.58 and melecular marker NAU/xibaol6, which provided important information for isolating of this gene.
利用3个位于6VS远侧端的分子标记(CINAUl5,NAU/xibao16,6VS-381),1个位于近着丝粒区(CINAU18-723)和一个位于6VL末端的标记(6VL-358)分析发现Del.6VS-2为顶端缺失,其缺失断点位于标记NAU/xibao16和CINAU15之间,结合抗白粉病鉴定和对Del.6VS-1的比较分析,进一步将抗白粉病基因Pm21精确定位在6VS FL0.58至标记NAU/xibao16之间,为进一步克隆该基因提供了重要信息。

20. After transfection of cytoplasmic deteled NECL1, NECL1 protein can't belocatedon the membrane of single cell or contact cell.
在转染了缺失胞内区的NECL1 cDNA后,NECL1蛋白在单个细胞和相邻的COS-7细胞中都未定位在细胞膜上,而且与F-actin基本不存在共定位关系。

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