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be convinced that
美音: [bi: kənˈvɪnst ðæt] 英音: [bi kənˈvɪnst ðæt]

be convinced that基本解释

be convinced that的翻译


be convinced that网络解释

1. 相信:elementary-particle physics 基本粒子物理学 | beconvincedthat 相信 | for the better part of a decade 七八年来

2. be convinced that的翻译

2. 确信:beconvincedthat 确信 | beconvincedthat 确信,信服(1lesson13) | be covered with 被......覆盖着(lesson16)

3. 确信,信服:beconvincedthat 确信 | beconvincedthat 确信,信服(1lesson13) | be covered with 被......覆盖着(lesson16)


4. 确信, 承认:beconvinced of || 确信, 认识到 | beconvincedthat || 确信, 承认 | be coupled with || 和联合, 结合

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