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be at war with
美音: [bi: æt wɔ: wið] 英音: [bi æt wɔr wɪð]

be at war with基本解释


be at war with网络解释

1. 与...交战:beat home in 熟悉,精通 | beatwarwith 与...交战 | beattributed to 归于...


2. 处于交战状态, 进行竞争:beat the rootof || 是的根本 | beatwarwith || 处于交战状态, 进行竞争 | beat || 从事于, 做

3. 和...处于交战状态:10. by accident 偶然地 | 11. beatwarwith... 和...处于交战状态 | 12. beat peace with 和...和平共处

4. be at war with

4. 与......处于战争状态:24.be dedicated to the memory of v.给某人画像以纪念...... | 25.beatwarwith 与......处于战争状态 | 26.would offer to (过去常常)会主动做什么

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