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carve out of
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carve out of单语例句

1. Trees grow outof crevices in the rocks, and falling cataracts of water carveout gullies in the red rocky slopes.

2. Analysts believe Siemens is probably following other European manufacturers such as Alcatel and Ericsson to carveout part of its businesses to cut production costs.

3. Wu graduated from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but failed to carveout a career for himself as he had hoped.

4. Others retained hope that the campaign could carveout breathing room for Iraqi forces to regain control of the city.

5. Having done away with unnecessary shackles of the past, the Chinese are brimming with confidence to carveout an enviable future.

6. Curiosity and a box of toys led Argentine industrial designer Francisco Gomez Paz to carveout a career matching both form and function.

7. To make things worse, a growing number of car makers are offering discounts to carveout market share.

8. He said Serbia was trying to carveout a piece of northern Kosovo, but this " will never happen ".

9. So if we carveout these factors, the real impact of the weakening overseas demand is smaller.

10. The government said last week it would carveout a new state called Telangana from the northern portion of Andhra Pradesh.

carve out of的反义词

carve out of双语例句

1. When Alliance High Command agreed to use Hoth as their headquarters, the task fell to Major Kem Monnon and his Alliance Corps of Engineers to carve Echo Base outof the living ice.

2. The aim of the programme is to equip students to carveout a career whether they decide to stay in Denmark or dream of a career abroad.

3. I'll carve your heart out|of your rotting chest.

4. In the drang of obtain employment, some colleges start to carveout themselves.

5. Some college students begin to carveout independently under compelling the of occupation pressure.

6. What do you mean you are dropping outof school to carveout, Are you outof your mind?

7. And carveout in the darkest corner of my heart

8. Just when I'm about to carve a steak outof his girlfriend?

9. carve out of

9. She has to carveout at least 15 minutes of downtime for herself--at least!

10. Hey! Next time, I'll just cut or carveout the shape of the animal and then Bingo, I get what I wanted.
嘿! 下次,我将会剪下或雕出动物影像,然后,宾果,我得到我想要的。

11. carve out of是什么意思

11. Originally, back on their home turf, the Irish would carveout turnips or beets to use as lanterns and use a burning lump of coal or a candle to light them.

12. One rock looked so big that I felt I could carve a house outof it.

13. carve out of是什么意思

13. This paper finds a kind of form of industrial cluster: the human-capital employees from the original firms demise to carveout, the homothetic firms are set up, the characteristic industry is formed.

14. This man may be in a position to carve an Empire outof these lands and contend withFor centuries the people of the Amu Darya river delta near the Aral Sea have been ruled by mighty Empires.

15. Penguins, opossums, hummingbirds, llamas, pumas, foxes, condors, spectacled bears and many more have all managed to carveout an existence somewhere in one of the many worlds that we call the Andes
企鹅,opossums ,蜂鸟,骆驼,美洲狮,狐狸,兀鹰,眼镜熊和许多都设法开拓出一个生存的地方之一,许多世界上,我们呼吁安第斯

16. carve out of

16. Will be 2005 the end of the year Korea for to group, internationalization development, joins in go America limited company, so America 8 month in 2006 is emphases carveout China market decide will original located in China Shenzhen''s Korea in China two stage company, English Fei dragon supersonic science and technology limited company changes mechanism become at Asia area China office: Chief engages in America company waits for portable gas checkout appearance series dealer marketing service job.

17. I wonder|how many steaks I could carveoutof you.

18. Wherever I am, I can always feel a torrential flow of life which springs up to carveout a way for itself through a mass of mountain and rocks.


19. She also used this milling tool to carveout the areas where she placed small pieces of onyx and jasper stone.

20. I believe I will carveout my own sky on the strength of my efforts.

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