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enter a race
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enter a race单语例句

enter a race

1. Moves are afoot to entera Chinese team in the race following the signing of a cooperation agreement between CYA and Volvo.

2. A customer who was also a runner noticed her rushing about and suggested she enterarace.

3. He wants to enter his sedan in a vintage race next March.

4. Questions remain about whether Chirac will seek a third term, or whether Villepin will enter the 2007 race.

enter a race的近义词

enter a race双语例句

1. To cause to compete in arace; enter in a contest

2. Meaning you would have to sign a waiver to see the movie and also submit that you are in good physical shape similar to that form they have when you entera 10K running race.

3. However, I am convinced that the only way for the Italian companies to overcome this competition is by going beyond the current levels of technology and offering the market ever more innovative and cutting-edge solutions, thereby forcing competitors to entera technological race.

4. A second important reason why immigrants have traditionally been drawn to the United States is the belief that everyone has an equal chance to enterarace and succeed in the U. S.

5. He adds that he expects PC makers to entera'race to the bottom'as they add more capabilities to ever-cheaper notebooks, and predicts prices could drop another 10% between now and the end of the year.

6. enter a race在线翻译

6. Israeli intelligence authorities concur that if Iran passes the point of no return in its nuclear efforts, the entire Middle East will entera frantic nuclear armament race.

7. enter a race

7. The case for rejoicing in the increasing number of women who enter the learned professions has nothing primarily to do with providing them with gainful employment or giving them an opportunity to develop their full potential. It is above all due to the fact that the world is now such a complicated and rapidly changing place that it cannot even be kept going (let along improved, as we meliorists think it can be) without using the intelligence and skill of approximately 50 percent of the human race.

8. The past two seasons we have grown into a strong team, and combining that with the big recruitment effort we have made this year, we expect to be competitive in every race we enter from the one day classics, to the one week stage races to the Grand Tours, the team`s Directeur Sportif John Lelangue confirmed.

9. In an instant I understood perfectly how arace who ate such food must necessarily believe in another God and hold essentially different views of human life from our own... There was a suggestion of soap, wax, pomatum, of unguents, dyes, cosmetics; of everything, in short, most unsuited to entera human mouth.

10. Tao Huiqiong says, course of study of network invite applications for a job already passed horse race to encircle the fanaticism of the ground to develop period, enter rational and normative phase.

11. enter a race

11. He is coming to enter his new sloop, the Guinevere, in next summer's International Cup Race; and also to have a little canvasback shooting at Trevenna.

12. By next month, you may become more interested in increasing your fitness, and you may even want to entera sports competition, such as a tennis tournament or relay race.

13. Racecars are very expensive and require a lot of capital, and Chad had to call upon many of his friends to raise the money necessary to enter into his first race.

14. Swimming the100 is totally different and I kinda have to refocus and take a different approach to how I enter the race and leading up to it mentally.

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