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free of
美音: [fri: ɔv] 英音: [fri ʌv]

free of基本解释

free of的解释

摒除, 打消…; 捝

free of情景对话


A:Let’s go to Wangfujing by bus.

B:Better take the subway. It’s faster, and more convenient.

A:O.K, it will be a new experience for me.

B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy…

A:Where do we pay the fare?

B:Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he’ll give you a token. Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.
给售票员3 元,他会给你一张辅币。你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门去了。

A:Let me pay for it. Where can I get a subway map?

B:Ask the worker who sells tokens to give you one. It’s freeof charge. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.

A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?

B:No, you don’t have to. Here comes the train.

free of的解释

A:Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.

free of网络解释

1. 无...的;摆脱了...的:free from 不受...影响的 | freeof 无...的;摆脱了...的 | freeze over (使)全面结冰

2. free of

2. 没有:fossil fuel 化石燃料 | freeof 没有 | from generation to generation世代相传

3. 无...的,免于:free from免于 | freeof无...的,免于 | full of充满

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