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fertilized eggs
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fertilized eggs单语例句

1. It's possible that the Wichita dragon eggs could have been fertilized by the sperm from a male that was on site a long time ago.

2. The two fertilizedeggs were delivered three weeks ago and would hatch in about two months.

3. Though it's not uncommon for female dragons to lay eggs without mating, such eggs are not usually fertilized.

4. They particularly object to its premise that embryonic stem cell research makes use of fertilizedeggs that would otherwise be discarded.

5. But this new technique would see fertilizedeggs placed in a device which is then planted in the womb.

6. To have two eggsfertilized and come out different colors, less common still.

fertilized eggs的反义词

fertilized eggs双语例句

1. It showed that in conditions of water temperature 20~21℃, salinity 20~30, pH 8.0~8.3, the fertilizedeggs developed to 2-cell in about 2h, blastula stage in about 15h, gastrula stage 30h and the hatched out larva 152h after fertilization.

2. It showed that in conditions of water temperature 20~21℃, salinity 20~30, pH 8.0~8.3, the fertilizedeggs developed to 2-cell in about 2h, blastula stage in about 15h, gastrula stage 30h and the hatched out larva 152h after fertilization. And in conditions of water temperature 19~28℃, salinity 20~27, pH8.0~8.3, the larva opened its mouth at the 5 day.


3. The ratios of DHA/EPA and AA/EPA in fertilizedeggs were approximately 1:1 and 1:2, respectively, and remained almost unchanged during embryonic development, and both which was approximately 2:1 during larval development.

4. Commonly, the eggs of all archegonia are fertilized and begin to develop into embryos.
普遍,所有 archegonia 的蛋被施肥而且开始进入胚胎(polyembryony 的现象)之内发展。

5. One of two sperm get into an archegonium and fused with egg. The nucleus of fertilized egg began to divide, and the walls were formed after the third division. The eggs without fertilization divided two times and then disappeared.

6. Present in amniotic fluid inside; the seventh day of the formation of fertilizedeggs in the amniotic cavity, amniotic fluid started to produce, for 12 weeks of pregnancy when amniotic fluid volume was 50 make love, 20 weeks for 400 make love, 36~38 weeks for 1000-1500 make love, close to the estimated date of amniotic fluid volume decreased slightly.


7. The lipid content and fatty acid composition in the fertilizedeggs and larvae which did not feed for 7 days after hatching were analyzed by means of common chemical assay and gas chromatography.
采用常规化学分析方法和气相色谱法对黄颡鱼从鱼卵受精开始至仔鱼孵化后未投饵的7 d内的脂肪含量和脂肪酸组成进行测定。

8. The 4.2 kb DNA fragment of K5-Cre-hGH was introduced into 720 fertilized zygotes by microinjection. 695 injected eggs were implanted into the oviduct of 29 female mice respectively, from which 48 offspring were obtained. Twelve mice carrying the transgene were identified by genotyping, and the integration efficiency is 25%.
以显微注射的方法将4.2 kb的转基因片段K5-Cre-hGH引入小鼠基因组,共注射720枚受精卵,其中695枚移植至29只假孕母鼠的输卵管中发育,获得子代小鼠48只,经基因型鉴定有12只小鼠在其基因组上整合有Cre基因,整合率为25%。

9. Will not be fertilized, and no implantation of the fertilizedeggs of the naked eye can not see.

10. There were higher proportion of HUFA in fertilizedeggs than that in the mature eggs.

11. Article 46 To introduce dairy animals, breading animals or their semen, embryos or fertilizedeggs from another province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, an application for handling examination and approval formalities shall be made to the animal health supervision institution of the designation place, and a quarantine certificate must be obtained in accordance with the provision of Article 42 of this Law.

12. Transcripts of zebrafish Hspa5 are present in fertilizedeggs, suggesting their maternal origin. Zygotic expression of Hspa5 starts during midgastrulation and occurs in the hypoblast cells. It is specifically expressed in the hatching gland and the notochord during segmentation.
结果表明,Hspa5 mRNA在卵子中就存在,是一个母源基因;其合子基因的表达开始于原肠中期的下胚层,在体节期发生在脊索和孵化腺中。


13. Fertilized chicken eggs are a central ingredient in the making of flu shots.

14. To obtain the fertilizedeggs with clear male pronuclei is the key of success.

15. Methods:The HBVtransgenic mice were prepared by microinjection of complate 2.0 copy HBV genome into pronuclei fertilizedeggs.

16. Only 50% of fertilizedeggs survive all the way through pregnancy.

17. But many women fertilizedeggs used to provide a only.

18. 15 Two separately fertilizedeggs, develop into only one person.

19. AKT1 is the necessary for the development of mouse fertilizedeggs.
1、在小鼠受精卵的中,AKT1与AKT2 mRNA的表达不同,AKT1在受精卵的发育过程中是必需的。


20. But some reports say fertilizedeggs smuggled from mainland China may have spread the disease.

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