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heartbreak over
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heartbreak over双语例句


1. He finally got over his heartbreak and went on with his life.

2. She started talking about a movie where something wasn't there, and I saw her heartbreakover a detail.

3. heartbreak over什么意思

3. It is not just heartbreakover a particular guy or general loneliness that keeps you up at night.

4. Events, of heartbreakover sons or brothers or husbands lost in battle.

5. Truth be told, that Johnny has heartbreak written all over his face.
说实话 那个约翰的脸上写满了不幸


6. Heartbreak and starting over are major themes on the album, and some songs are simply about wild weekends we had.

7. It was the story of back breaking labor to provide the fighting men with food and arms, of nerve tingling uncertainty about the course of national events, of heartbreakover sons or brothers or husbands lost in battle.

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