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piece together
美音: [pi:s təˈɡeðə] 英音: [pis təˈɡɛðɚ]

piece together基本解释

拼凑; 把…拼合[凑]起来; 连贯; 七拼八凑

piece together相关例句



1. The police tried to piecetogether all the facts.

piece together网络解释

1. 拼合,拼凑在一起:go to pieces 崩溃,瓦解;身体垮台 . | piecetogether 拼合,拼凑在一起 . | piece up 修补 .


2. 拼合:pay attention to注意 | piecetogether拼合 | put into effect实施;使生效

3. piece together

3. 拼合,拼凑:179、persuade of (使)相信 | 180、piecetogether 拼合,拼凑 | 181、plunge into 纵身投入,跳入;猛冲;使突然陷入

4. 拼凑在一起:5. dramatically adv.戏剧地, 引人注目地 | 6. piecetogether 拼凑在一起 | 7. pick up 偶然碰到

piece together词典解释

1. 拼凑出(真相)
If you piece together the truth about something, you gradually discover it.

e.g. They've pieced together his movements for the last few days before his death...
e.g. In the following days, Francis was able to piecetogether what had happened...

2. 拼合;凑集
If you piece something together, you gradually make it by joining several things or parts together.

e.g. This process is akin to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle...
e.g. Doctors painstakingly pieced together the broken bones.

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