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per capita
美音: [pə ˈkæpɪtə] 英音: [pər ˈkæpɪtə]

per capita基本解释

形容词每人; 按人分配的; 按人口平均

per capita的解释

per capita网络解释

1. per capita的解释

1. 人均:调查结果显示加拿大人在2007年总共花费190亿元购买处方药物,人均(percapita)的处方药花费是578元,卑诗省是全国最少,每人平均的处方药费只有432元.

2. 每人:natural number 自然数 | percapita 每人 | mark up 涨价

3. (每人的,人均的):social programs(社会事业) | percapita(每人的,人均的) | after adjusting for inflation(扣除价格因素)

4. [拉丁语]人均:per annum[拉丁语]每年 | percapita[拉丁语]人均 | rapport[法语]和睦;友好

per capita词典解释

1. 人均的;按人计算的
The per capita amount of something is the total amount of it in a country or area divided by the number of people in that country or area.

e.g. They have the world's largest percapita income...
e.g. The percapita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years.

per capita英英释义


1. per person

e.g. among the states Connecticut has a high percapita income


1. per person

e.g. we are spending $5,000 percapita annually for education in this district

Synonym: for each personof each person

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