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penal colony
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penal colony双语例句

1. The island is uninhabited now, but at one time was the site of a penalcolony.

2. It's the anniversary of the settlement at Sydney Cove as a penalcolony for British criminals.

3. penal colony是什么意思

3. Another was Australia, which became a penalcolony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors.

4. penal colony的意思

4. Another was Australia, which became a penalcolony now that America was no longer available for criminals and debtors

5. In 1788, the first English settlers arrived in Australia's Botany Bay to establish a penalcolony.
1788年,第一批英国殖民者到达澳大利亚的Botany Bay,建立了一个法制殖民地。

6. The date is that of the foundation of a British penalcolony at Sydney Cove on Port Jackson, New South Wales, by Captain Arthur Phillip, who was to become the first Governor.

7. After the spread of an epidemic, resettling of the town as a penalcolony begins

8. penal colony是什么意思

8. The prison, the Panevezys Penal Labor Colony, holds more than 1, 000 inmates, including convicted murders.

9. A few years later, a new penalcolony in Australia eased the strain;


10. The team of " Multi-future " also explored how those specialists benefited the productivity of the penalcolony.

11. For him, loneliness (as described in his Metamorphosis, A Country Doctor, In the PenalColony and A Hunger Artist) originates from the failure of communication between people.

12. She is serving her term in a penalcolony in the eastern city of Kharkov.

13. The team of " Multi-future " also explored how those specialists benefited the productivity of the penalcolony.

14. He and His family would be exiled to'Akká which at the time was the worst penalcolony in the entire empire.

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