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railroad industry
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railroad industry双语例句

1. railroad industry什么意思

1. Course of study of railroad passenger transportation regards a countryman as the essential service industry in economy, want to competing to position is occupied in increasingly intense passenger transportation market and can stand firm at present, need to realize quantitative augment not only, more important, more pressing is to want those who realize passenger transportation quality to serve quality especially to rise, this has been industry of railroad passenger transportation survives not just with development strategical problem, it is to be in more at present state of battalion of already of look forward to of railroad passenger transportation nots allow hopeful, competition of passenger transportation market raises benefit of society of enterprise of railroad passenger traffic and the important way that add the market to own share below increasingly intense circumstance again.

2. Handle good railroad and local relation, can lend a road make an issue of, accelerate friend of industry of local photograph arrow to exhibit.

3. At a hearing by the Surface Transportation Board, the federal agency that regulates the U. S. railroadindustry, railroads were accused of applying unjustified fuel surcharges partly because the extra fees are calculated as a percentage of the base freight rate.


4. Since the reform and open policy, our countrymarine transportation enterprise has made the considerable progress, and strides in the world shipping great nation ranks, our countrymarine transportation service industry obtains very manyopportunities, For example: The Chinese and South Korean railroad ferry ideallylands, the river harbor navigation policy opportunity arrives, theChinese enterprise and Palestine seeks the Panama Canal cooperationaltogether to win together the development.

5. Yan Fu, one of representatives who learned from the west to seek the truth of saving the nation and the people in late Qing Dynasty, put forward the view of priority development of the mining industry, and carried on whole speculation for the concrete problem of establishing railroad and mine in China.

6. After undertaking be correctioned appropriately to this model, how does Guo Taijun use his at to A of the company calculate, in take no account of prospective cash to shed the condition that forecast, share 10 stocks to accord with a requirement: Potash fertilizer of A of dark red bay, Lu Tai A, saline, double collect day of development, Lu to change, railroad of Maotai of industry of copper of science and technology of Jinan iron and steel, unripe beneficial, Jiangxi, Guizhou and big the Qin Dynasty.

7. The fundamental industry that railroad is national economy and main traffic carry a tool.

8. railroad industry什么意思

8. The railroadindustry as a whole, despite its brightening fortuning fortunes, still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic.

9. railroad industry

9. The railroadindustry as a whole, despite its brightening fortuning fortunes. still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic.

10. The railroadindustry as a whole, despite its brightening fortuning fortunes.

11. One, the characteristic railroad transportation enterprises that railroad carriage statistic works is a special material manufacturing branch, its located in national economy position, its product configuration, its manufacturing organization and administrative pattern have not at other industry department.


12. In industry of our country railroad established tie condition falls, innovation government is the requirement of railroad reform and development.

13. Change change to leave since putting, industry of Fu of railroad De Gong grows Yi You quite De dimensions.

14. And what is the effect of regulating the railroadindustry?
管制 铁路的影响是什么?

15. The transformation of railroadindustry organization structure is a very interesting phenomenon.

16. Big company rises in railroadindustry have its specific reason and condition.

17. Railroad is the fundamental industry that has network character, its reform issue is complex.

18. Here is the 411 on Burlington Northern and the U. S. railroadindustry generally.
以下是Burlington Northern和美国铁路业的大体情况。

19. The safe culture of the enterprise is the soul that safe production of a company manages, railroadindustry is not exceptional also.

20. The equipment manufacturing industry of Baotou city comes nearly 20 years, through joint-stock and introduce a technology, on the foundation that in original convention enginery makes, at present preliminary already formed the equipment that gives priority to with traffic of machine of heavy-duty car, project, railroad to make industrial rudiment.

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