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subject matter
美音: [ˈsʌbdʒikt ˈmætə] 英音: [ˈsʌbdʒekt ˈmætɚ]

subject matter基本解释

subject matter

名词主题,论题; 创作的题材,素材

subject matter的近义词

subject matter网络解释

1. 标的:公司的专利工程师在核定该发明案确为符合可申请专利之标的(SubjectMatter)后,便可向政府主管机关提出专利申请. 在我国,主管专利事务的政府机关便是经济部所辖的智慧财产局. 若在美国,主管专利事务的政府机关是美国商业部所辖的专利与商标局.

2. 主题:按维特根斯坦的理论认为:在逻辑中表达的思想就是命题,这样,我们就从抽象地谈论逻辑图像进入了思想的表达领域,即命题与语言,我的创作也就是从逻辑图像进入主题(subjectmatter)思想的表达领域,即命题与绘画语境(painting context).

subject matter词典解释

1. (著作、讲座、电影或绘画的)主题,题材,主要内容
The subject matter of something such as a book, lecture, film, or painting is the thing that is being written about, discussed, or shown.

e.g. Then, attitudes changed and artists were given greater freedom in their choice of subjectmatter...
e.g. Her subjectmatter is herself.

subject matter英英释义

subject matter在线翻译


1. what a communication that is about something is about

Synonym: messagecontentsubstance

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