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subject of much debate
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subject of much debate单语例句

1. Though their classification as punk is the subjectofmuchdebate, the band accepts it for the sake of convenience.

2. The First Emperor has been seen in both a positive and negative light throughout history and his legacy is still the subjectofmuchdebate.

3. The lack of police was the subjectofmuchdebate in the wake of the brick kiln slave labor scandal.

subject of much debate双语例句

1. Whether the country is in the middle of a bubble has become the subjectofmuchdebate.

2. Whether this is China restocking while prices are low or an actual reflection of consumption is the subjectofmuchdebate.

3. Both the name and the site of the city in which the scene of the story is laid have been the subjectofmuchdebate.

4. Pulling away, and the debate back to Austrian law, Austrian law or the subject that I really did not debate their own and those sub-spray mix, this version of what I repeated NATM challenging fight occupation, Min thieves, destruction techniques, discipline, animal husbandry, riding discipline, but the other may have to fight much.

5. Mo's wardrobe for the trip became the subjectofmuch Internet debate in China, with some unhappy over earlier reports he would wear a tuxedo because it wouldn't be uniquely Chinese.

6. The use of this space has been a subjectofmuchdebate, and this class proposes solutions for it that are thought-provoking.


7. Choice of outgroup, tree-making methods, and software may affect the phylogenetic prediction, which may have caused muchdebate over the subject.

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