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solar astronomer
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solar astronomer单语例句

solar astronomer什么意思

1. China's leading astronomer has said the country plans to launch the world's largest and most advanced space solar telescope into orbit in 2008.

solar astronomer双语例句

1. David Hathaway, a solarastronomer with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., does not doubt that the next sunspot cycle will be stronger than the previous one.

2. solar astronomer

2. Photo Gallery: Sun This false-color image, taken by an amateur astronomer in Stuttgart, Germany, shows clouds of solar gas, called prominences, held just above the surface by the sun's magnetic field.
这个假彩色图像,所采取的一个业余天文学家在德国斯图加特,显示云层的太阳气,所谓prominences ,刚刚举行的上述表面上是由太阳的磁场。

3. solar astronomer的翻译

3. The astronomer may similarly model the behaviour of the solar system.

4. solar astronomer

4. He is the first known astronomer on that continent to have used a continuous system of counting solar days.

5. solar astronomer的翻译

5. This false-color image, taken by an amateur astronomer in Stuttgart, Germany, shows clouds of solar gas, called prominences, held just above the surface by the sun's magnetic field.

6. Jim calculates a solar eclipse easily because he is an astronomer.

7. In the universe outer space, solar and under gravitational pull jurisdiction's these stars, composes a big family together, the astronomer is called it solar system.


8. Tarduno and Eric Mamajek, an astronomer at the University of Rochester, used observations of young sunlike stars to infer how strong a solar wind the Earth was up against.

9. Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543).

10. From detailed solar flares to an amazing image of Jupiter and two of its moons, this tour of our solar system has been captured by an amateur British astronomer in his back garden.

11. Space storms are not new. The first major solar flare was recorded by British astronomer Richard Carrington in 1859.

12. IYA2009 also celebrates the work of Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer who published Astronomia Nova in 1609. The groundbreaking work was the result of a decade of research on the movement of planets in our solar system. Kepler's models ─ known as Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion ─ are still used by astronomers today.

13. Astronomer Kevin Reardon captured an astonishing image showing the fiery jets of fast-moving superheated gas that constantly burst from the solar surface.

14. In 1919 the British astronomer Arthur Eddington confirmed that idea by making careful observations of the positions of stars whose light passes close to the sun during a total solar eclipse.

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