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seal up
美音: [si:l ʌp] 英音: [sil ʌp]

seal up基本解释

密封; 查封; 封住; 把…封起来

seal up在线翻译

seal up网络解释

1. 查封:采信的证据 admitted evidence | 查封 sealup | 撤回上诉 withdraw appeal

2. seal up的近义词

2. 封闭,密封:sea anemone 海葵 | sealup 封闭,密封 | second job 第二职业

3. 密封住:seal rookery 海豹繁殖场 | sealup 密封住 | seal 封铅

4. 密封:seal of 保证,证明 | sealup 密封 | seclude vi.使隔离;使孤立,使隐退

seal up词典解释

1. 封闭;密封
If you seal something up, you close it completely so that nothing can get in or out.

seal up的反义词

e.g. The paper was used for sealing up holes in walls and roofs.

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