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trip wire
美音: [trip ˈwaiə] 英音: [trɪp waɪr]

trip wire基本解释


trip wire在线翻译

trip wire网络解释

1. 绊网;拉发线:Treasury Department 财政部 | tripwire 绊网;拉发线 | tune in to 收到

2. 绊网:trip up 绊倒 | tripwire 绊网 | trip 旅行

3. 激紊线(阻力试验):三缸泵 triplex pump | 激紊线(阻力试验) tripwire | 刮管器 tube scraper

4. 在船模前面装置的促进乱流的金属卷线:trip valve 速闭阀 | tripwire 在船模前面装置的促进乱流的金属卷线 | trip 单航次;短途旅行;释放

trip wire英英释义


1. a wire stretched close to the ground that activates something (a trap or camera or weapon) when tripped over

2. a small military force that serves as a first line of defense
if they become engaged in hostilities it will trigger the intervention of stronger military forces

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