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tooth wear
美音: [tu:θ wɛə] 英音: [tuθ wɛr]

tooth wear基本解释


tooth wear网络解释

1. tooth wear是什么意思

1. 牙齿磨耗:文章摘要:牙齿磨耗(toothwear)是口腔中一种很普通的现象,在口腔这个复杂的环境中,牙齿的磨耗是在机械、热、化学和电流等因素的影响下,附着作用、研磨作用、腐蚀作用以及其他微小形式的磨耗综合发生的结果.

2. tooth wear在线翻译

2. 牙齿磨损:to the point of 到...地步 | toothwear 牙齿磨损 | top dogs 夺魁者

3. tooth wear在线翻译

3. 牙磨耗:骨改建:Tooth movement | 牙磨耗:toothwear | 牙动度:tooth mobility

4. 颞下颌关节紊乱病:牙胚培养:tooth germ organ culture | 颞下颌关节紊乱病:Toothwear | 锐齿栋群落:sharp tooth Oak community

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