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wear and tear
美音: [wɛə ænd tiə] 英音: [wɛr ənd tɛr]

wear and tear基本解释

磨损; 损坏,损耗; 消损

wear and tear网络解释

1. wear and tear在线翻译

1. 日久耗损:water stain 水渍 | wearandtear 日久耗损 | weekly reports 周报

2. wear and tear在线翻译

2. 消耗;磨损:wayleave 通行权 | wearandtear 消耗;磨损 | wear pad 垫磨片

3. 磨损,消耗:83. play it by ear 随机应变 | 84. wearandtear 磨损,消耗 | 85. come what may 无论有何变化,无论如何

wear and tear词典解释

1. (正常的)磨损,损耗
Wear and tear is the damage or change that is caused to something when it is being used normally.

e.g. ...the problem of wearandtear on the equipment in the harsh desert conditions.

wear and tear英英释义


1. decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use

Synonym: depreciation

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