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bring sth in mind
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bring sth in mind双语例句


1. Make the best of make a decision make a difference between make a difference to make an exception of make no exception make one's farewell make fashion make a fortune make friends make inquiries of sb. about sth. make preparations against make preparations for make mention of make up one's mind make a point make a promise make a reduction make references to make a response to make satisfaction for make /offer resistance to make sense make talk make way make trouble make use of obstacle to pay regard to pay attention to place an order for sth. with present a striking contrast between put/bring/carry into effect play a joke on sb. play a role in play a trick on sb.
to shame put/place/lay stress on/upon put to use reaction to recovery from resist temptation run/take a risk 向某人道歉充分利用决定区别对待使-----产生变化把-----作为例外不容许有例外告别,道别做做样子发财交朋友向----某人询问某事为防止-----做准备为-----做准备提及,谈到下决心立论,证明论点许诺减少提到对----做出答复补偿抵御,抵抗讲得通,言之有理聊天,闲谈让路,腾出地方找麻烦,闹事利用是----的障碍重视注意向------订购某物使两者形成明显的对比实行,使起作用开某人的玩笑在-----中扮演角色,起作用作弄某人扮演----的角色实施,实行羞辱某人把重点放在---使用对-----的反应从-----中恢复抵制诱惑冒险知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

2. bring sth in mind

2. To sb's notice bring/call to mindbring to a halt bring into action catch one's breath call down/lay a curse upon sb. cast a shadow over catch at shadows catch sb's eye catch fire catch/get a glimpse of catch sight of come to sb's knowledge come to sb's notice come to a point come /go into effect come into a fortune come into fashion come to a halt combination with commander in chief communication with commit a crime commit/make an error come into possession of sth. come/go into operation come to one's senses come to/arrive at a decision come to/arrive at an agreement with reach/make an agreement with come to sb.'s assistance complaint about/of competition with/against sb.
do a threat to do damage to do/try one's best 与----接触不平衡与-----保持友好与----一致对----负责违背诺言实施,使生效给某人带来羞辱使某人注意----想起使停止采取行动喘息诅咒某人蒙上阴影捕风捉影引人注目着火,烧着对----瞥一眼看见被某人知道引起某人的注意到紧要关头实施,生效继承一笔财产开始流行停止与------结合总司令与-----交流,与----通信犯罪犯错误占有某物实行,生效恢复理性,苏醒过来做出决定与-------达成一致与-------达成一致帮助某人对------抱怨与某人竞争对----有威胁损害-----尽力,努力

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