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boarding school
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第三人称复数:boarding schools

boarding school基本解释


boarding school反义词

名词day school

boarding school

boarding school网络解释

1. boarding school

1. 寄宿制学校:1. 进了这所寄宿制学校(boardingschool)后我才意识到自己以前是多么依赖父母. (Not until)

2. 供膳宿的学校:university 大学 | boardingschool 供膳宿的学校 | day school 日校,无宿舍学校,走读学校

3. (供学生膳宿之)寄宿学校:billions of 数以亿计的;许多的 | *boardingschool (供学生膳宿之)寄宿学校 | break down 损坏;坏掉

boarding school词典解释

1. 寄宿学校
A boarding school is a school which some or all of the pupils live in during the school term.

e.g. She sent her son to a boardingschool in the East...
e.g. Of course, now she is away at boardingschool.

boarding school英英释义


1. a private school where students are lodged and fed as well as taught

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