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come to nothing
美音: [kʌm tu: ˈnʌθiŋ] 英音: [kʌm tu ˈnʌθɪŋ]

come to nothing基本解释

come to nothing

动词落空; 化为乌有; 化为泡影; 完全失败,终成泡影

come to nothing的解释

come to nothing相关例句


1. Their experiments came tonothing in the end.

come to nothing网络解释


1. 失败:cometo no good 没有好结果 | cometonothing 失败 | cometonothing 完全失败

2. 完全失败:cometo light 暴露 | cometonothing完全失败 | cometo oneself苏醒,醒悟

3. 毫无结果, 失败, 终成泡影:By doing nothing we learn to do ill. [谚]一闲生百邪. | cometonothing 毫无结果, 失败, 终成泡影 | count for nothing 毫不重要; 毫无价值

4. come to nothing的解释

4. 失败;没有结果:cometo light: 显露出来 | cometonothing: 失败; 没有结果 | bring into the world: 生育

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