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cash crop
美音: [kæʃ krɔp] 英音: [kæʃ krɑp]

第三人称复数:cash crops

cash crop基本解释


cash crop网络解释

1. cash crop的意思

1. 经济作物:Capital tie-up: 资本滞结 | Cashcrop: 经济作物 | Cash on delivery: 货到付款 (COD)

2. 经济作物;现金作物:case study个案研究;学习事例 | cashcrop经济作物;现金作物 | cash tenancy现金租用耕地制


3. 商品作物,经济作物:商品蔬菜农场/truck farm | 商品作物,经济作物/cashcrop | 赏钱,酒钱/drink money

cash crop词典解释

1. 经济作物
A cash crop is a crop that is grown in order to be sold.

e.g. Cranberries have become a major cashcrop.

cash crop英英释义


1. a readily salable crop that is grown and gathered for the market (as vegetables or cotton or tobacco)

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