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hold to sth
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hold to sth双语例句

1. hold to sth

1. When mammary development when, should special attention mammary hygiene, prevent a breast to be bumped, extruding; Notice Morpheus pose, unfavorable Fu lies, advocate lie on one's back; Often do a few breasts that accord with healthy demand to plead to massage (take everyday lie on one's back maintain with left hand hold left breast bottom in the palm, use right hand palm and left hand to exert oneself to do sth. relatively at the same time, plead to tit direction join forces 2030 one, apply same method tohold in the palm again next push on the right side of breast Become position of a few handstand appropriately, or often make a few copies exercise a movement; Adorn brassiere is very important in time, not constrained just use brassiere to much old age, want mammary development to fold the lower edge of place to exceed 10 centimeters instead to pectoral wall skin to the tit only, answer to adorn at any time, in case the breast is overweight cause farther prolapse.

2. Make ends meet call in laugh at inform sb of sth come across come up take note serve as insist on take a position hold the view can't help but to chances are that… on one's own keep contace with go through object to doing there is evidence that in short supply in reserve in the mood to do in addition define…as the following describe… as
可以获得的,可以使用的使收支平衡叫…。。来嘲笑某人通知某人某事偶遇出现记笔记用于某种目的或理由坚持持…。。立场持有观点禁不住做…。。做某事没有意义有可能做某事单独的,独自的与…。。联系浏览反对有证据证明短缺以备后用有心情做某事此外下定义下列的描述某人某事 there is no point in doing sth。

3. hold to sth的解释

3. Manufacturing consumer still has additionally a few characteristics, they have adventurous mind, be willing to assume the risk in the life; The mind is open be full of curiosity, be willing to try the strange thing in the life and experience; Can hold independent judgement and maintain true ego; Like extraordinary to perhaps say to do sth unconventional or unorthodox, do not wish implicit perhaps follow suit; Experienced and knowledgeable, new information is their money, can offer reliability for them; Sociability, be good at communicate and can becoming the center of its circle from beginning to end; Do not like to be restrained, like to seek free life status.

4. hold to sth的翻译

4. Have no reference to have trouble with hold the position of keep an eye on keep/control one's temper keep one's balance keep one's appointment keep company with keep sb. company keep competition between keep faith keep one's mind on keep/bear in mind keep one's head keep pace with keep a promise keep in touch with sb. keep track of keep one's word keep to the point lay a claim to lay/put/place emphasis on/upon lead the way learn by heart leave sth. out of consideration lose control of lose one's balance lose one's head lose heart lose contact with lose sight of lose one's temper lose faith in lose track of make an appeal to sb. make an appointment with sb. make an attempt to do sth. make the acquaintance of sb. comments on/upon sth.
渴望 求助于某人与------无关与-----闹纠纷担任---的职务照看,留意忍住不发脾气保持平衡守约与-----结交,与-----亲热陪伴某人在------之间进行竞争忠于信仰专注于记住保持镇定与-----并驾齐驱遵守诺言与某人保持联络记录,保持与---联系守信用紧扣主题主张,要求,自以为是着重于,强调领路,带路记住,背过不考虑某事失去对------的控制失去平衡慌乱,惊慌失措失去信心与-----失去联系看不见发脾气失去对-----的信任失去----的线索向某人呼吁某事于某人约会企图做某事结识某人评论把----进行比较控告向某人道歉知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

5. Literature is anthropologic hold anthropologic with intellectual globalization, hind the relation of contemporary epistemological, from anthropologic the interaction with literature have sth in mind of this new point of view, appear separate out power of thinking of the Fan Shige that idea of creation of 20 centuries literature changes to study with literature's new important science.

6. Have/make contact with have control over/of have/hold a conversation with have the determination to do sth have/find difficulty/trouble doing sth.
in mind have mercy on/upon 对-----表示满意对某人表示慰问为某事尔感谢某人爱上受诱惑与-----永别,不会再同情某人找岔,抱怨赶时髦踏着某人的足迹优于,胜过控制抓住陷入困境发脾气给某人帮助描述挑战有-----的迹象没有-----的迹向某人致敬让步,让路过时,不再流行分享,分担赋予某人做某事的特权有权使用,有权利用与某人交谈对---有影响偏爱----喜爱某物胜过----对某人有偏见发烧对----有权利惧怕某事与某人有点头之交信任某人和-----接触控制---与----谈话决心干某事。

7. hold to sth的解释

7. Hold on tosth.

8. hold to sth的反义词

8. Hold on to do sth.

9. hold to sth

9. The ability tohold or contain sth.

10. To get hold of sth.

11. In big environment bad situation falls, have sth in mind is thrown and should yield more politic, the 3rd PPS can hold the dominant position in video industry go down, will existing product is done do greatly fully, provide better to the user experience.

12. To hold sb responsible for sth.

13. Hold on tosth/sb phr v (=tohold something or someone firmly with your hands or your arms)v.

14. hold to sth什么意思

14. Hold sb tosth make sb keep 使某人遵守: He promised her a honeymoon in Paris when they got married, and she held him to it.

15. Hold to the thought course of be practical and realistic to can accomplish consciousness, must improve academic accomplishment and scientific literacy knowledge energetically, the footing of staunch build a party serving the interests of the people and belief, object doctrinairism and subjectivism, go in for sth in a large scale the wind of investigation and study and strengthen a system to build.


16. He cherishs complex mood to stand up, get off the tobacco bowl that containing in the mouth, ground of exert oneself to do sth is pipe bowl head on sole outer leaf knock a few, angry angry ground says alone: Hold?


17. Ginseng if forget, keep staff, reveal card trade password, answer tohold Id original and photocopy instantly, to either of the bank that make card business site deals with password report the loss of sth, application changes trade password.

18. Want to accomplish get sth done once and for ever, build, or else do poorly done work over again is newer, must holdto quality first principle, cannot seek rate blindly, drive a measure.

19. hold to sth什么意思

19. Apart from meet eight development goals be available to sb. look sth. up in a dictionary/on a website express one's opinion be meant to do sth. a successful businesswoman on behalf of work in remote places be connected to/with specialized agencies loan money to sb. set a standard for aim tosth. eliminate problems can't afford expense be lack of recommend doing sth. break down basic equipment force sb. to do sth. farm the land suffer from malnutrition be in chaos be in a mess put on weight look out for be concerned about/for get hold of remind sb. of sth remind sb. to do sth. communicate with sb. think back to be proud of = take pride in make a difference put sth.
into action from place to place die from if only in honour of on purpose 除了达到八个发展目标可以得到在字典里/网上查找表达某人的观点打算做某事一位成功的女商人作为…的代表在偏远地区工作与…有联系专业机构贷钱给某人为…确立标准目标是消除问题付不起费用缺少建议做某事出故障;抛锚基本设备强迫某人做某事种地遭受营养不良处于混乱状态乱七八糟增肥当心担心抓住让人想起提醒某人做某事和某人交流回想以…为豪发生改变使某事开始实施从一地到另一地死于只要为了表示对某人的尊敬/为了纪念某人故意的 18

20. hold to sth是什么意思

20. Holdsth out phr v (=to offer a possibility, solution, hope etc)v.

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