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look over sth
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look over sth双语例句

1. A number of make a list one week's holidy the price of dream of be at home and abroad try wastern food hot and spicy food win the match since then last fantstic experience so far expect to do get an education ask sb for sth as good as in one's life have/has been to in rural areas two point two because of try doing sth in a universe today's newspaper translate...into forget doing sth all over the world up to hear about/o f take part in at last/in the end in the seat the palace museum pay for look for write down each cother guess what?
一定数量的牌子名单一个week's holidy 梦想的价格是国内外尝试wastern 食物热并且比赛为时fantstic 经验到目前为止从那以后准备做得到教育请求sb sth 的辣食物胜利象在one's 生活中have/has 是对在乡区二点二中由于尝试做sth 在宇宙today's 报纸翻译。。。成忘记一样做sth 由决定全世界听见about/o f 参与在last/in 末端在宫殿博物馆薪水为寻找写下各个cother 猜测的位子什么?

2. Then, in this popular feeling lopsided, always should look for some of Cha child come do sthover and over again of do sthover and over again, 9 cities present condition is this appearance.

3. Put on/take off/look for/look after/knock at/knock sth. off/knock off/knock %off/knock over/knock out

4. look over sth是什么意思

4. Well the time does not pass, oneself do sthover and over again gets this look.

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