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make do with sth
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make do with sth双语例句

1. Around the world international aids go wrong keep the peace a shortage of food cause sb. to dosth. live in poverty in real life people in need belong to the UN a UN Goodwill ambassador give a speech be pleased to dosth. have the chance to dosth. refer to sb./ sth. be made up of mean to dosth./ doing sth. be honoured to dosth. take on this role set up/about doing/down/out to do be based on develop friendly relations with sb. co-operate in doing sth. promote respect for human rights as you know touch the lives of people everywhere be involved in with the help of sb. worthy organizations be worth doing sth.= be worthy of being done assist the victims of wars in addition protect sb. from doing sth. prevent sb. from doing sth. child labour record sth.= make records of be aware of sth./ make sb aware of draw one's attention=draw the attention of sb. add sth. to sth.
add up/add up to under the umbrella of 全世界国际援助出错保持和平缺少食物导致某人做某事生活贫穷在现实生活中有需要的人属于联合国一位联合国亲善大使做讲座高兴做某事有机会做某事谈及某人或某事由某物组成打算做某事/意味着做某事荣幸做某事承担这个角色建立/着手工作/写下/开始做以…为基础和某人发展友好关系合作做某事促进对人权的尊敬正如你所知道的涉及每个地方人们的生活涉及;卷入在某人的帮助下令人尊敬的组织值得做某事帮助战争的受难者除了保护某人免受…的伤害阻止某人做某事童工记录某事意识到引起某人的注意把…加到…/加起来/加起来为在…的保护下 17 41。

2. When mammary development when, should special attention mammary hygiene, prevent a breast to be bumped, extruding; Notice Morpheus pose, unfavorable Fu lies, advocate lie on one's back; Often do a few breasts that accord with healthy demand to plead to massage (take everyday lie on one's back maintain with left hand hold left breast bottom in the palm, use right hand palm and left hand to exert oneself to dosth. relatively at the same time, plead to tit direction join forces 2030 one, apply same method to hold in the palm again next push on the right side of breast Become position of a few handstand appropriately, or often make a few copies exercise a movement; Adorn brassiere is very important in time, not constrained just use brassiere to much old age, want mammary development to fold the lower edge of place to exceed 10 centimeters instead to pectoral wall skin to the tit only, answer to adorn at any time, in case the breast is overweight cause farther prolapse.

3. make do with sth在线翻译

3. Make ends meet call in laugh at inform sb of sth come across come up take note serve as insist on take a position hold the view can't help but to chances are that… on one's own keep contace with go through object to doing there is evidence that in short supply in reserve in the mood to do in addition define…as the following describe… as
可以获得的,可以使用的使收支平衡叫…。。来嘲笑某人通知某人某事偶遇出现记笔记用于某种目的或理由坚持持…。。立场持有观点禁不住做…。。做某事没有意义有可能做某事单独的,独自的与…。。联系浏览反对有证据证明短缺以备后用有心情做某事此外下定义下列的描述某人某事 there is no point in doing sth。

4. make do with sth的反义词

4. Have no reference to have trouble with hold the position of keep an eye on keep/control one's temper keep one's balance keep one's appointment keep company with keep sb. company keep competition between keep faith keep one's mind on keep/bear in mind keep one's head keep pace with keep a promise keep in touch with sb. keep track of keep one's word keep to the point lay a claim to lay/put/place emphasis on/upon lead the way learn by heart leave sth. out of consideration lose control of lose one's balance lose one's head lose heart lose contact with lose sight of lose one's temper lose faith in lose track of make an appeal to sb. make an appointment with sb. make an attempt to dosth. make the acquaintance of sb. comments on/upon sth.
渴望 求助于某人与------无关与-----闹纠纷担任---的职务照看,留意忍住不发脾气保持平衡守约与-----结交,与-----亲热陪伴某人在------之间进行竞争忠于信仰专注于记住保持镇定与-----并驾齐驱遵守诺言与某人保持联络记录,保持与---联系守信用紧扣主题主张,要求,自以为是着重于,强调领路,带路记住,背过不考虑某事失去对------的控制失去平衡慌乱,惊慌失措失去信心与-----失去联系看不见发脾气失去对-----的信任失去----的线索向某人呼吁某事于某人约会企图做某事结识某人评论把----进行比较控告向某人道歉知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

5. The World Trade Center a passenger plane break the window * a crowded bus one by one dosth. in turn make a noise in the dark turn off the light make a mistake take sb. as … the bad traffic before long look at the time be busy withsth. be busy doing sth. so that …* lose one weight afford sth.


6. Free sb/sth of … a frequent visitor be friends with sb keep friends with sb a week from today for fun make fun of sb have fun (=have a good time) function as… relief funds furnish a room with… further notice in future = from now on in the future 使…摆脱常客和……友好和……保持友好从今天算起的一周后为了乐趣嘲笑过得愉快起……作用救济金给……配备家具另行通知从今以后, 今后在未来 gain experience gain speed No pains, no gains play a close game host the 2008 Olympic Games generation gap gaze at general knowledge have a general/rough idea of in general it is generally believed/considered get on well with get over get through have a gift for be gifted with give out give away give in to give off be only too glad to dosth at a glance cast a glance atn.
for the glory of the school go about go across go around go wrong go in for go into the army 第 19 页共 50 页获得经验加速一分耕耘,一分收获进行一场势均力敌的比赛主办 2008 年奥运会代沟凝视,注视一般常识有总的/大致的了解一般说来一般认为与某人相处好,某事进展顺利从恢复,痊愈完成;通过;接通电话有……的天赋具有……的才华分发,散发,用光,耗尽泄密屈服于某人某事放出非常乐意做某事一看就扫了一眼为了学校的荣誉忙于,从事横过,穿过传播;足够分配出故障,出错参加,爱好从军高考词组汇编 31。

7. Have/make contact with have control over/of have/hold a conversation with have the determination to dosth have/find difficulty/trouble doing sth.
in mind have mercy on/upon 对-----表示满意对某人表示慰问为某事尔感谢某人爱上受诱惑与-----永别,不会再同情某人找岔,抱怨赶时髦踏着某人的足迹优于,胜过控制抓住陷入困境发脾气给某人帮助描述挑战有-----的迹象没有-----的迹向某人致敬让步,让路过时,不再流行分享,分担赋予某人做某事的特权有权使用,有权利用与某人交谈对---有影响偏爱----喜爱某物胜过----对某人有偏见发烧对----有权利惧怕某事与某人有点头之交信任某人和-----接触控制---与----谈话决心干某事。

8. make do with sth的反义词

8. To dosth 65, imagine sb doing sth. 66, introduce sth to sb. 67, introduction to sth 68, make a joke with sb. 69, keep on doing sth. 70, know about sth 71, leave for somewhere 72, let sb. dosth. 73, listen to sth/sb. 74, manage to dosth. 75, meet with sb./sth.

9. Sb be eager for sth sb be eager to do sb be eager that should +v in one's eagerness to do earn one'living earn sb sthwith ease at ease take things/it easy on the edge of have a good education have an effect on/upon cause and effect put sth into effect come into effect take effect make efforts to do spare no effort to do in an effort to dowithout effort elect sb +n elect sb to do a general election put/place/lay emphasis on… with emphasis employ sb to do employ sb as… enable sb to do encourage sb to dosth come to an end make ends meet at the end of by the end of end up +介短 end up in prison end up + doing end up crying her eyes out A be engaged to B sb be engaged in doing sb engage in doing The line is engaged ensure sth ensure doing sth ensure that
渴望做……渴望做……为了急于做……谋生得到容易地舒适,安逸,悠闲放松,别紧张在……的边缘受过良好的教育对……有影响前因后果使……付诸实施开始生效生效,实行;产生作用努力做不遗余力做为了努力做……没费力选某人当……选某人做……大选,普选强调……着重地,强调地雇佣某人做…………当……使某人能够做……鼓励某人做……某事结束使收支相抵在……最后到……为止最后最后 A 与 B 订婚从事于……忙于……从事于……忙于……电话占线保证,担保……保证,担保……从句保证,担保……高考词组汇编 43。

10. Amount in total to a room of one's own over the two weeks English—speaking country — come out come along have sth. to dowith…… make up growing closer the will of the majority communicate with the outside with the help of international exchange programme a Beijing native replace…with……… compare… with …… help sb. withsth all around the world more than a second language global culture popular music become more and more take off turn down have a good flight an equal number of people at all develop into working language without being able to do on the radio/TV/telephone as well as know about at first Got it act out in this situation speakers of English both … and most of the time reasons for the reason is that… differences between…and… on the left hurry up forget to do/doing What do you mean by…?
a language spoken in the world 总计达到…某人自己的房间经过两个星期的时间说英语的国家开花,出来,出版过来……与……有关系发明,构成,组成越来越接近大多数人的意愿与外界交流在…的帮助下国际交流项目一个地道的北京人以…取代,替换把…和…比较帮某人做某事世界各地不过,不仅仅第二语言全球文化流行音乐变得越来越脱,起飞,事业起步关小飞行愉快同等数量的人根本,全然发展成为工作语言没有能够做…从收音机/电视/电话里和,不但…而且…得知,了解起初,一开始知道了表演在这种情形下说英语的人…和…大部分时间…的理由原因是……和…之间的差异在左边快点忘记要做的事/已做的事…是什么意思?

11. Withsthdone amount in total to a room of one's own over the two weeks English—speaking country come out come along have sth. to dowithmake up growing closer the will of the majority communicate with the outside with the help of international exchange programme a Beijing native replace…with… compare… with … help sb. withsth all around the world more than a second language global culture popular music become more and more take off turn down have a good flight an equal number of people at all develop into working language without being able to do on the radio/TV/telephone as well as know about at first Got it act out in this situation speakers of English both … and most of the time reasons for the reason is that… differences between…and… on the left hurry up forget to do/doing What do you mean by…?

12. make do with sth的解释

12. These make the keyword that come out just give your proposal, you still need to decide they are the word that net witenagemot keys in search column, a lot of people made a mistake because of proud generation, that does not do research to think with respect to assume sth as a matter of course the different form that uses a word is a good idea namely.

13. Make up one's mind the minister of foreign affairs miss an opportunity make a mistake by mistake in modern times small money have no money with sb. make sb. monitor on the early morning at the top of the mountain join the navy if necessary in need of help take on a new look hit sb. on the nose make/take notes have nothing to dowith put up a notice pay no notice to sb. be in operation place an order for sth.
下决心 外交部长错过机会犯错误由疏忽所致现代零钱某人身上没钱选某人为班长某一天清早在山顶上参加海军如果有必要的话需要帮助呈现一片新面貌打某人的鼻子做笔记与…无关张贴通知对某人毫不在意运转着,实施中订购某物失业了一副眼镜颐和园


14. Makedomakedowithsth.

15. Make dowithsth.

16. Make an oppointment with sb to dosth.


17. I also have the beginning of appearance play the ape to do a website, others stems from interest more, but I for silver, the basis that became a station originally is done not have, all must learn to rise from the beginning, begin to know from the webpage first, do not understand with respect to Baidu one, hardship cans be imagined, learned several months, understand the dot finishs sth eventually affection, make a station you also must spend money!

18. To sb's notice bring/call to mind bring to a halt bring into action catch one's breath call down/lay a curse upon sb. cast a shadow over catch at shadows catch sb's eye catch fire catch/get a glimpse of catch sight of come to sb's knowledge come to sb's notice come to a point come /go into effect come into a fortune come into fashion come to a halt combination with commander in chief communication with commit a crime commit/make an error come into possession of sth. come/go into operation come to one's senses come to/arrive at a decision come to/arrive at an agreement with reach/make an agreement with come to sb.'s assistance complaint about/of competition with/against sb.
do a threat to do damage to do/try one's best 与----接触不平衡与-----保持友好与----一致对----负责违背诺言实施,使生效给某人带来羞辱使某人注意----想起使停止采取行动喘息诅咒某人蒙上阴影捕风捉影引人注目着火,烧着对----瞥一眼看见被某人知道引起某人的注意到紧要关头实施,生效继承一笔财产开始流行停止与------结合总司令与-----交流,与----通信犯罪犯错误占有某物实行,生效恢复理性,苏醒过来做出决定与-------达成一致与-------达成一致帮助某人对------抱怨与某人竞争对----有威胁损害-----尽力,努力

19. Apart from meet eight development goals be available to sb. look sth. up in a dictionary/on a website express one's opinion be meant to dosth. a successful businesswoman on behalf of work in remote places be connected to/with specialized agencies loan money to sb. set a standard for aim to sth. eliminate problems can't afford expense be lack of recommend doing sth. break down basic equipment force sb. to dosth. farm the land suffer from malnutrition be in chaos be in a mess put on weight look out for be concerned about/for get hold of remind sb. of sth remind sb. to dosth. communicate with sb. think back to be proud of = take pride in make a difference put sth.
into action from place to place die from if only in honour of on purpose 除了达到八个发展目标可以得到在字典里/网上查找表达某人的观点打算做某事一位成功的女商人作为…的代表在偏远地区工作与…有联系专业机构贷钱给某人为…确立标准目标是消除问题付不起费用缺少建议做某事出故障;抛锚基本设备强迫某人做某事种地遭受营养不良处于混乱状态乱七八糟增肥当心担心抓住让人想起提醒某人做某事和某人交流回想以…为豪发生改变使某事开始实施从一地到另一地死于只要为了表示对某人的尊敬/为了纪念某人故意的 18

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