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not to say
美音: [nɔt tu: sei] 英音: [nɑt tu se]

not to say基本解释


not to say相关例句


1. not to say

1. His language was irreverent, nottosay blasphemous.

not to say网络解释

1. 虽说不上:notto put too fine an edge on it 直截了当 | nottosay 虽说不上 | not turn a hair 不动声色

2. 即使不说是:have one's say表示意见 | nottosay即使不说是 | sayto oneself心中暗想

3. 更不用说:It is a shame that... ......是让人感到惭愧的. | Nottosay... 更不用说...... | In my pinion, it is not wise or possible to forbid...since... 我认为因为......而禁止......是不明智的,也是不可能的.

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