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single out
美音: [ˈsiŋɡl aut] 英音: [ˈsɪŋɡəl aʊt]

single out基本解释

single out的反义词


single out的近义词

single out相关例句


1. They all did wrong, why single him out for punishment?

single out网络解释

1. 挑出:★支持者认为增加此规定可使父母无法欺瞒其子女;但是反对者则指出,这些父母是要等到其子女成熟到可以正确理解捐赠受孕的意义时才会告知,且强制揭露只会使这群子女从社会上被挑出(singleout)而受到他人的异样看待.

2. 挑选出,选拔,找出:sign on 签约受雇用 | singleout 挑选出,选拔,找出 | sit for 参加

3. 选择:等于is equivalent to; equal | 选择choose; elect; opt for; pick; singleout | 发出deliver; give out; hand over

4. 选出,挑出:side with支持,站在...的一边 | singleout选出,挑出 | sink in渗进去,被理解

single out英英释义


1. select from a group

e.g. She was singled out for her outstanding performance

2. treat differently on the basis of sex or race

Synonym: discriminateseparate

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