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take account of sth
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take account of sth双语例句


1. Takesth into account/takeaccountofsth./ on accountof/on no account 决不/account for/give a vivid or full accountof

2. Set the fashion set fire to set a trap substitute for sth. take into accounttakeaccountoftake advantage oftake care take care oftake a chance take charge oftake comfort in take command oftake into consideration take delight in take one's departure take effect take one's farewell of sb. take/give a glance at throw/cast light on/upon take notice oftake /make an objection to take pains take part in take place take the place oftake possession oftake pride in take the resolution to do sth. take the responsibility for take/bear one's share oftake the firm stand take a stand for sth. take one's temperature take one's time take turns thanks to throw a scare into sb.

3. Set/give a good example to sb. set the fashion set fire to set a trap substitute for sth. take into accounttakeaccountoftake advantage oftake care take care oftake a chance take charge oftake comfort in take command oftake into consideration take delight in take one's departure take effect take one's farewell of sb. take/give a glance at throw/cast light on/upon take notice oftake /make an objection to take pains take part in take place take the place oftake possession oftake pride in take the resolution to do sth. take the responsibility for take/bear one's share oftake the firm stand take a stand for sth.
throw/cast/put into the shade try one's fortune 冒险在------中设置障碍对-----提出要求给某人树立榜样创立新式样点燃设陷阱代替物考虑考虑利用,趁-----之机注意,当心照料,照顾冒险,投机接管,管理在------中得到安慰指挥考虑以------为乐动身,出发生效,起作用向某人道别对-----初略地看一下使人了解某事注意到反对----努力,尽力参加发生,进行取代,代替占有,占领以-----自豪决心做某事负起做某事的责任承担自己的一份坚定立场赞成某事量体温不着急依次,轮流由于吓坏某人使逊色,使相形见绌碰运气知识改变命运,思路决定人生!

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