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美音: [dɪˈflekʃn] 英音: [dɪˈflɛkʃən]



名词偏斜,偏移,歪曲; 偏斜度,偏角


1. 挠度:1.在结构计算中用于求得梁结构上某一指定点之挠度(deflection)及转角(rotation)-将弯矩除以EI即为实际樑之挠度变形(deflection)

2. 偏斜:你知道,装备上对AC有三种奖励方式,自然AC指天生的防御能力,最朴实无华;而躲闪(Dodge)奖励、偏斜(Deflection)奖励和增效(enhanced)奖励. 而除了躲闪奖励之外,就不能再叠加了,这蛮子拿了两个增效戒指,当然不会起同样作用.

3. deflection

3. 变位:传递反力用之大梁(Test Beam)必须有足够之尺度(Size)及强度(Strength)以免发生过大挠曲变位(Deflection). 大梁底与桩顶须有足够之空间作为安装千斤顶及垫板之用. 如试验桩为斜桩时,大梁须与斜桩成垂直. 如加载甚大需设置多根锚碇桩时,


1. 偏斜;偏转
The deflection of something means making it change direction.

e.g. ...the deflection of light as it passes through the slits in the grating.

2. (体育运动中球击中某物后的)转向,变向
In sport, the deflection of a ball, kick, or shot is when the ball hits an object and then travels in a different direction.



1. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)

e.g. a diversion from the main highway
a digression into irrelevant details
a deflection from his goal

Synonym: diversiondeviationdigressiondeflexiondivagation

2. the property of being bent or deflected

Synonym: deflexionbending

3. the movement of the pointer or pen of a measuring instrument from its zero position

Synonym: deflexion

4. the amount by which a propagating wave is bent

Synonym: deflexionrefraction

5. a twist or aberration
especially a perverse or abnormal way of judging or acting

Synonym: warp

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