cast iron基本解释
cast iron网络解释
1. 铸铁:普通低合金结构钢,渗碳钢,调质钢,弹簧钢,滚动轴承钢3) 铸铁(castiron)含碳量大于2.11%的铁碳合金,力学性能比钢差,不能锻造. 但具有优良的铸造性、减震性、...
2. 生铁:成品是成捆铁条(Faggot),是由非净化的熟铁加上重量不到3%的碳成份,生铁(Castiron)是此冶炼过程的付产品.精炼后之铁矿石弄乾燥后,放入经火硬化的小型粘土坩埚内.
3. 生铁;铸铁:生钢;铸钢 cast steel | 生铁;铸铁 castiron | 用途;功能 function
4. 铸铁;生铁:casing 外壳;套管;框(门窗) | castiron 铸铁;生铁 | castiron conductor 铸铁导管
cast iron词典解释
1. 铸铁;生铁
Cast iron is iron which contains a small amount of carbon. It is hard and cannot be bent so it has to be made into objects by casting.
e.g. Made from castiron, it is finished in graphite enamel.
e.g. ...the cast-iron chair legs.
2. (保证或借口)可靠的,可信的,无懈可击的
A cast-iron guarantee or alibi is one that is absolutely certain to be effective and will not fail you.
e.g. They would have to offer cast-iron guarantees to invest in long-term projects.
cast iron英英释义
1. an alloy of iron containing so much carbon that it is brittle and so cannot be wrought but must be shaped by casting